
Published on September 22nd, 2017 | by Admin

The Evil Within 2: Creating Union Trailer

The Evil Within 2 transports you to a world filled with horrors beyond imagination, with death and dismemberment lurking around every corner. But it didn’t start out that way.

What began as an idyllic setting has been transformed into a twisted vision of small-town America. That’s because the entire town of Union was built in STEM using a very pure and untainted mind as its foundation (or Core): Sebastian Castellanos’ own daughter, Lily. But when Lily goes missing within STEM, the world loses its Core, and everything starts to go to hell. Now it’s up to Sebastian to find his daughter and get her out before the entire STEM system collapses with both of them inside.

“Union is sort of a neutral domain that acts as the base of what the world is supposed to be,” explains Game Director, John Johanas. “It was created with Lily’s mind as the Core. Her mind is the pillar holding up this world. Now that she has been removed from that position, the world is breaking apart, piece-by-piece. People like Stefano and Theodore are trying to take advantage of its weakened state, leading to some of the different domains you’ll discover as you play.”

A new feature explores Union and STEM in greater detail and sheds light on what happens when those with “psychopathic tendencies” make their way into STEM.

The Evil Within 2 releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on Friday the 13th this October. As Sebastian Castellanos, you’ll have to dive into hell once more in the sequel to the hit 2014 survival horror game from the mind of Shinji Mikami. Take on twisted creatures in horrifying domains and face off against your own worst nightmares as you race to save your daughter.

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