E3 2023: video game industry’s biggest expo cancelled
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) and events company Reedpop have just announced that E3 is cancelled for 2023! According to their statement…
“This was a difficult decision because of all the effort we and our partners put toward making this event happen, but we had to do what’s right for the industry and what’s right for E3,” Reedpop’s Kyle Marsden-Kish said in a joint statement with the ESA.
“We appreciate and understand that interested companies wouldn’t have playable demos ready and that resourcing challenges made being at E3 this summer an obstacle they couldn’t overcome.
“For those who did commit to E3 2023, we’re sorry we can’t put on the showcase you deserve and that you’ve come to expect from ReedPop’s event experiences.”
However in recent times, this industry only games expo changed its operations to allow the public into these hallowed media grounds and VIPs. Additionally some of the bigger developers downsized their presence, including announcements and E3 allowed online global access. Add in COVID-19 and E3 games suffered considerably. Whether E3 returns is yet to be seen, however in the joint statement, the ESA and ReedPop have mentioned that they will still collaborate in the future.