E-waste, Consumerism Comes To Life Through Art – Australia’s Largest Ever E-Waste Artwork Highlights Our Disposable Technology Obsession.
Internationally acclaimed artist and controversial environmentalist Chris Jordan has just built Australia’s largest ever e-waste artwork at Melbourne’s Federation Square.
The artist has constructed the giant masterpiece in the heart of Melbourne at Federation Square during the Sustainable Living Festival this weekend, drawing attention to Australia’s obsession with mass consumption and excessive stockpile of dangerous e-waste.
This Australian masterpiece has been constructed of 12,000 mobiles – the number of old handsets that are replaced but not recycled (hoarded) EVERY DAY in Australia. The artist is calling on local residents to donate their old e-waste mobile phones to be part of this Australia-first project.
The artwork has a gigantic mobile phone with the number “23” displayed on the screen – symbolising the 23 million old, unused mobile phones that are sitting in Aussie’s homes as e-waste instead of being recycled.