Director Steven Spielberg knows how to make a blockbuster and more
importantly he knows the right boxes to tick in order to pull on your
emotional heartstrings. The film War Horse is no exception. The story
itself is based on the novel by Michael Morpurgo which also created the
Award-winning Broadway play.

film fleshes out the original novel and the play that revolves around
the bond between a horse called Joey and his trainer Albert (Jeremy
Irvine) who not only helped raised the horse but considers him a loyal
friend. Needless to say, the story is about a powerful friendship and
the obstacles that these two beings must overcome with the backdrop of
World War I.
Unfortunately for Albert, his parents (Emily Watson and Peter Mullan)
are having difficulty in keeping the farm where Joey works as a plough
horse. Once Joey is sold, this then leads Albert on a soul-searching and
dangerous journey as he follows the path of Joey between British and
German armies. Although the story is not the most original tale to land
on DVD, the rich visuals used by Spielberg and co. create some truly
spectacular scenes.

times, War Horse is a violent film with the environment of World War I
and once again the cinematography used by Spielberg creates some very
suspenseful moments. The video quality on DVD is thoroughly impressive
with sharp images and very earthy colours that almost create this period
piece. Add in the majestic music of John Williams who has worked with
Spielberg before and War Horse is a very emotional, albeit clichéd