The Wallflower series is created by Tomoko Hayakawa who incorporates
all the classic anime stereotypes in this male orientated series
about a group of four teenagers (Ranmaru Morii, Kyouhei Takano,
Takenaga Oda and Yukinojoh (Yuki) Tohyama) living in a luxurious
Almost Hentai in certain aspects, each of these teenagers are given
the task of turning the land lady’s niece Sunako into a woman in
exchange for free accommodation. As you can see, it’s definitely
every male’s dream, although things don’t always go as planned.
Sunako is quite the agoraphobic and refuses to leave her room and
refers to others as Light People who dwell in the sunlight. Sunako
could almost be considered a “vampire” with her love of horror
movies and refusal to be part of society is quite an interesting
There is a classic scene
in the series where Sunako first meets Kyohei, the most attractive
teenager out of the lot and has a nasty accident where she vomits on
him as she is unable to comprehend his good looks as she believes
she is ugly.
In the first collection, all the characters are given a
chance to shine, however Sunako is the most interesting character
and as each episode progresses, so does her character which is
The animation is presented in 16:9 widescreen with vibrant
colours and sharp images, however the star of the series is the
impressive artwork that almost makes the characters look Elven in
At the end of the day, the Wallflower Collection 1 may
not be the most original anime series to date, however does offer
some interesting stories that fans of this genre will enjoy,
although it could have been a tad more exciting.
DVD Special Features
On-Air opening for episodes 1-13
Clean opening & closing animation