Underbelly Badness
all new Underbelly series detailing the real events from 2001 – 2012 of
criminal mastermind Anthony Perish and his rise and fall from power.
Anthony Perish, drug lord and criminal mastermind has been on a manhunt
since the murder of his beloved grandparents and when Terry Falconer
comes up as the prime suspect, he doesn’t take any chances and brutally
murders him. Unfortunately for Perish he didn’t cover his tracks too
well and sets off one of the biggest pursuits in Australian history. The
Australian police force constructs a team called Task Force Tuno lead by
Det. Insp. Gary Jubelin (Matt Nable) that promises to put away Anthony
Perish before he can commit another crime.

with murder, intrigue, corruption and just your standard cops and
robbers shoot outs Underbelly Badness takes a note from the original
series and sets it back to contemporary times and fills our screens with
character driven real life stories that might not be common knowledge
throughout Australian audiences.
is the fifth season of Underbelly and it still stands as one of the
greatest drama television series to come out of this country. However
this season isn’t as fast paced as previous series in the Underbelly
franchise. While there is a disturbing and somewhat gruesome murder in
the first episode, it’s not until four episodes in that the show begins
to pick up and for a TV series that only consists of eight episodes
that’s a pretty tough seat to sit through.

That’s another thing; the show is only 8 episodes. Underbelly usually
consists of at least 10 episodes could channel nine or the producers
been aware that the show wouldn’t have enough story lines to make the
full series run, if so, why not just make it a one off movie length
episode? Cut down the first few eps and ditch off others you would have
easily made the movie length. The series also loses any suspense between
the main characters as the show opens up on Perish have already been
caught, so you know where the show will end up. While I understand that
it’s Australian history, and a lot of the shows audience will be aware
of the outcome, I myself had no idea.
the story isn’t really there, the acting is beyond superb, each and
every character shines on the show. Particularly LaPaglia, he just plays
the perfect Perish, while he doesn’t really look too much like the real
life perish, he just smashes it out of the ball park with his brutish
and standoff persona. Five seasons in to the Underbelly series I’m
surprised that they can still dig into the Australian acting pool.
Surely they are at a point where they will start to reuse characters of
just start taking people off the streets to fill the roles?

Underbelly Badness does have its pluses though, it’s still a good
series, it does hold up to the previous series but that’s mainly due to
Jonathan LaPagila. He is a fierce force to be reckoned with and I’m sure
we’ll be seeing more of him.
Underbelly Badness on DVD doesn’t really have any quality Special
Features besides a few deleted scenes that are so out of place on a
separate disc. You’ll spend half a day trying to remember the right
episode they fall into and cast interviews by the lesser known actors of
the series such as Jodi Gordon, while leaving you with a lot of insight
into how they developed their characters. It didn’t really give you
enough to feel they were needed at all.