This quirky British comedy series revolves around Howard (played by
the comedic Ben Miller) and Mel, one week before their wedding when
all manner of sorts goes wrong for the couple, more specifically
Howard himself.
Everything that can go possibly wrong, does and the humour in the
series is watching nervously how Howard attempts to rectify the
situation. To compound the situation, Cassie had a one night stand
with Howard at an office Christmas party two years ago and she has
vowed to prevent this wedding from happening.
doesn't end there for Howard as he attempts to charm his new in-laws
who happens to be a high court judge and his society wife and when
he accidentally hospitalises Mel's grandmother, gropes her mother,
loses the wedding room which is a family heirloom and kills the
family job, this is definitely the worst week of Howard's life.
The series is a classic BBC comedy that revolves quite a few
hilarious exploits such as Cassie running down the Vicar in her car
or the best man falling into a coma on the stag night, this series
was great from start to finish. Starring a plethora of Britain's
finest actors (Ben Miller, Sarah Alexander, Alison Steadman,
Geoffrey Whitehead, Raquel Cassidy, Emma Pierson, Janine Duvitski,
Dean Lennox, Kelly Hazel, Douglas Ronald Pickup, Tom Goodman-Hill,
John Benfield & Lizzie Roper), there were no complaints from this
reviewer. A definitely indulging time!