The Unknown War (1978)

Produced at the height of the Cold War with
the full cooperation of the Soviet State, who felt the landmark 1973
series The World at War failed to place sufficient emphasis on
the Eastern Front of World War II, monumental 20-part series The
Unknown War aimed to rectify this oversight and comprehensively
document the almost unimaginable sacrifices made by the Russians in
their efforts to expel Hitler’s marauding hordes.
The title of the series represents the very
fact of the Great Patriotic War’s curious omission in the post-war
Western psyche. Though terms such as D-Day, the Normandy Landings, the
Battle of the Bulge and the evacuation of Dunkirk have entered the
public consciousness, the average non-Russian may find it easy to
overlook the fact that more than 20 million Soviets died in the war
against Nazi Germany, compared with well under a million from England
and the USA combined.
I was actually asked to leave a family
friend’s home in Reading after disputing her claim made in passing at
the dinner table that ‘we beat Hitler.’ ‘But you didn’t beat Hitler,’ I
replied, ‘Russia and America did. The Russians lost 20 million men and
the US flooded you with food, money and equipment. All you did was get
your asses beaten off the Continent in three weeks, scurry off across
the Channel and bomb civilians for the next four years.’ It was a
family do and my words were met with a storm of stiff-upper-lipped
invective and accusations of being an arrogant, know-nothing Colonial
upstart. After a heated discussion in which I summed up my thesis by
stating ‘all this shit about how England beat Hitler makes me fucking
sick’ (or words to that effect) I was literally asked to pack my bags
and leave the premises. I thereafter took up residence at a local pub,
which saved me having to walk there most nights, and was not
subsequently invited to dinner.
I suppose the point I’m making is that of
all the World War II documentaries on the market, it’s nice to have one
dedicated solely to the Eastern Front. Russia’s War: Blood Upon the
Snow and Ovation’s three-part Stalingrad series are other
fine entrants into this modest canon, yet no other series comes close to
matching the sprawling, gargantuan majesty of the 17-hour Unknown War.
The series was pulled off American
television screens after six episodes following the ill-fated Russian
invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 and has never perhaps been
given the wider appreciation it deserves, yet it is a stunning
accomplishment and provides a fascinating, eye-opening glimpse into
every aspect of the war from the Russian perspective, as evinced by the
episode list:
1. June 22, 1941
2. The Battle for Moscow
3. The Siege of Leningrad
4. To the East
5. The Defence of Stalingrad
6. Survival at Stalingrad
7. The World's Greatest Tank Battle
8. War in the Arctic
9. War in the Air
10. The Partisans
11. The Battle of the Seas
12. The Battle of Caucasus
13. Liberation of the Ukraine
14. The Liberation of Belorussia
15. The Balkans to Vienna
16. The Liberation of Poland
17. The Allies
18. The Battle of Berlin
19. The Last Battle of the Unknown War
20. A Soldier of the Unknown War
Much of the material culled from the Soviet
archives had never been seen in the West before, and from footage of
workers toiling in armaments factories to shots of peasants grieving at
the sites of atrocities committed by the Wehrmacht and SS it all blends
seamlessly into an affecting and stunningly comprehensive whole. For a
long time this series was unavailable on home media, and Madman are to
be complimented for doing such a fine job with the Region 4 edition.
There isn’t really much more to be said - if you’re anything approaching
a WWII buff or armchair historian, you owe it to yourself to invest in
this one.
Audio & Video
Not much appears to have been done in the
way of restoration and the 35-year-old series does show its age. The
transfer is filmic and grainy, which may prove unsurprising given that
the bulk of the series was shot on grainy film, and the almost
exclusively black and white period footage varies considerably in
quality. The grit and artefacts don’t look too much worse than many of
the History Channel’s equivalent documentaries, however, and in the end
don’t prove too distracting - some of us evidently having being spoiled
by the recent abundance of HD ‘World War II in Colour’ sets on offer.
The English soundtrack is a perfectly serviceable two-channel affair,
with crystal clear narration and a curiously jaunty classical score
accompanying the battle sounds and so on. Unsurprisingly the original
aspect ratio is a 4:3 which has been stretched out to 16:9 for the
current edition.
Bonus Features
A comprehensive 23-minute Interview
with series writer and composer Rod McKuen and an equally incisive
two-part, 40-minute analytical Interview with Willard Sunderland,
Associate Professor of Russian History at the University of Cincinnati
(incorrectly labelled as ‘Interview with Rod McKuen’ on the Extras
menu). Madman’s five-disc fatpack set also comes with a booklet
containing several photos and an extensive episode guide.