The Underbelly Files

Recently aired on
Channel 9, The Underbelly Files re-enacts three shocking crime stories
from Australia’s sordid criminal past. However it should be mentioned
that there are two different versions of The Underbelly Files available
due to ongoing criminal proceedings in New South Wales. Consumers living
in NSW are able to purchase a modified 2-disc Underbelly Files that
contains two telemovies as opposed to three. The DVD of Tell Them
Lucifer Was Here is available in the other states of Australia as a 3-disc
collection, however due to legalities and the potential to prejudice
criminal proceedings, NSW consumers will need to wait a little while

The three telemovies
included in this release are Tell Them Lucifer Was Here,
Infiltration and The Man Who Got Away. Like the previous
Underbelly TV Series, The Underbelly Files is professionally
made and features the cream of the crop of Australian talent. It’s a
slick presentation that boasts outstanding camerawork and acting which
successfully recreate these nefarious crime stories for the viewer.
There has been some criticism made to Underbelly that it glorifies these
criminals and their activities and although I agree with this in certain parts, it
also highlights the dedication and persistence of Australian lawmakers
which nicely balances the stories. Another criticism from Underbelly was
the amount of female nudity in the past series and ironically, it is
kept to a bare minimum in these TV movies.
The first movie Tell
Them Lucifer Was Here tells the story of Operation Lorimer which
revolved around the two brutal murders of two Victorian police officers,
Rod Miller and Gary Silk. Directed by Shawn Seet, Tell Them Lucifer
Was Here stars some amazing Australian actors who create an
extremely realistic recreation of this story that was a lifelong passion
of the instigator of Operation Lorimer. The story of Tell Them
Lucifer Was Here begins with the police investigating a string of
relatively harmless robberies, however when two of their own are
murdered, things go into high gear for the Victorian Police.
Due to legal proceedings
in NSW, we have been asked not to mention any of the character names in
this review but needless to say, the suspects responsible for this
heinous act were quite surprising due to their “Suburbia” surroundings.
The star of this telemovie is Brett Climo as the steely determined
detective who scarified a large gap of his life in order to catch the
murderer or murderers of this crime. The actors and actresses who play
the almost inbred criminal family of this movie are eerily frightening
to watch that actually makes you wonder what kind of sick world that we
sometimes live in and do we really know who lives next door to us? As
opposed to the other two telemovies, this is definitely the more
gruesome of the three but nonetheless quite powerful.
The second movie,
Infiltration is set during the 1990’s as Victorian Detective Colin
McLaren (Sullivan Stapleton) infiltrates a branch of the Calabrian
Mafia. This story is based on the book Infiltration by former
Detect Colin McLaren who was also used as a consultant for its creation,
hence the realism.
One theme that runs throughout this story is whether Detective Colin
McLaren crossed the line when he infiltrated this tightly knit crime
family such as his rendezvous with a prostitute at a local Melbourne
brothel and other acts in order to get close.
Set in both Melbourne and
Griffith that was responsible for the death of political advocate Donald
Mackay, Infiltration is revolves around a new generation of the
Mafia which requires those that join are either of Calabrian decent or
through marriage. However, posing as an art dealer, McLaren somehow manages to
infiltrate this organisation as he forms a very close friendship with a
ringleader of this family. As Antonio Romeo (Valentino del Toro)
welcomes McLaren into his family there are many nerve racking moments in
the movie that almost cost this detective his life from dodgy recording
devices to overseas Snitch detectors deeming him as untrustworthy.
though the odds were against McLaren through his almost two years of
being undercover and considerable lack of support from those above him,
he was never a man to give up and through persistence, he managed to
bring down one of Australia’s most powerful Mafia families. Through
constant bungling by other police departments, McLaren quit the police
force in order to start his own country restaurant which nicely
concludes this story and he never shied away from what needed to be
done. Directed by Grant Brown, he does a first class job at creating
this movie who is backed up by some strong performances by Jessica
Napier, Donna Matthews and Buddy Dannoun to name a few of the
actors and their awesome performances.
Lastly, we have The
Man Who Got Away which recounts the story of Melbourne David
McMillan (Toby Schmitz) who came from an upper class background and
became on of Australia’s largest importers of illicit drugs. For
McMillan, his climb to the top was more due to chance and luck as
opposed to a brilliant criminal mind. Joining McMillan in his efforts to
make millions was girlfriend Clelia Vigano (Claire van der Boom), the
beautiful daughter of one of Melbourne’s most respected restaurateurs
whom together became an unstoppable force. Whether it was McMillan
being let off by a customs official in 1975 or performing a ridiculous
drug swap in a crowded hospital surrounded by police, his rise to power
was like a high stake gambler, always rolling the dice for that next
Joining McMillan was
“Lord” Tony Moynihan, a so-called British aristocrat who becomes a key
contact for their drug smuggling from Asia to Australia, however when
this colourful business associate decides to walk away, this is when the
world of sex, drugs and hit men begins to crumble. It may be a fast ride
to the top for McMillan and Vigano as this love struck Australian
version of Bonnie and Clyde, however their decent to the bottom is even
faster which makes their story ever so more fascinating to watch.
Compared to the previous telemovies, the acting in The Last Man Who
Got Away is quite superior which is probably due to the fact of
these flamboyant characters such as Jeremy Sims as Tony Moynihan or
Clelia Vigano as the hot headed daughter of socialite whose innocence
was never ever there. Toby Schmitz however is the star with his Mr. Nice
Guy personality who really manages to play McMillan perfectly and more
importantly, the first person to have ever escaped from the Bangkok
Hilton. Gripping from start to finish!
Video, Audio &
Special Features
The video quality of
this release is outstanding and Australia continues to lead to the front
on high quality HD releases. With sharp images, deep blacks and some
wonderful cinematography, The Underbelly Files is a visual piece of art.
Add in a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack all three movies of The
Underbelly Files is a treat to the ears with crystal clear dialogue and
perfect sound balances. Unfortunately there are no special features
included in this release. A real-world feature on Colin McLaren or
commentary would have really hit the spot. Fortunately the stories more
than make up for the lack of special features and if you missed them on
TV or got fed up with the copious amounts of commercials, than the DVD
set is for you.
Recommended to those who
enjoyed Underbelly or other high quality Australia crime dramas!
Brilliant! |