The Nanny Diaries is based on the novel by Emma McLaughlin and
Nicola Kraus in this witty comedy directed by Shari Springer Berman
and Robert Pulcini that revolves around a naive yet comical college
graduate played by the delightful Scarlett Johansson who decides to
take a role as a nanny.
Unfortunately for Johansson's character, she is unwittingly drawn
into a rich social elite of a New York family and somehow begins a
permanent fixture of the household. Unable to follow the strict
rules of her employer and keeping her son in line, she eventually
forms a bond with son as she tries to salvage this
dysfunctional family.
Featuring romance, comedy and drama, the Nanny Diaries is almost a
snap shot of high society life in New York that gives the viewer a
true insight into all the characters of this movie with their quirky
dysfunctional behaviors in a light hearted comedy that once again
proves money cannot buy happiness. Johansson is once again the star
of this movie and even though many viewers may not believe she is a
comedic actress, her character is thoroughly enjoyable to watch.