If you grew up by reading Hergé’s classic comic
books, the drawing style and characters that are so instantly
recognisable will be familiar to you. That is why it is such a huge
relief to find that in this DVD edition of 1990’s cartoon by
French-Canadian director Stéphane Bernasconi. The look and feel is
spot-on, and the voices they provide in English are exactly how
you’d imagine them to speak. This is thoroughly enjoyable stuff.
I only had the first disc and so only the first
four episodes: “Tintin in America”, “Cigars of the Pharoah”, “The
Blue Lotus” and “Tintin and the Broken Ear”. Each one is about 42
minutes long, and each makes a harrowing adventure combined with a
sweet trip down memory lane.
For anyone out there not familiar with the world
of Tintin, all I can say is that it’s a comic book series that
spanned the best part of the 20th century. The first one that I know
of was actually in black and white and Tintin, the young Belgian
reporter, heads off to Soviet Russia! After that, the books gained
colour. His age is mysterious, he is asexual and his best friend is
a little dog called Snowy. The other characters are a bumbling
Professor Calculus, old sea captain plus two English bobbies who are
twins—The Thompson twins! The stories all involve some sort of
criminal mystery in a far-off, exotic land, which Tintin eventually
*As far as extras go, there aren’t that many.
Just English or French language options plus a ‘comic book
chronology’ which merely shows the ordered book covers. *The
distributor, Madman, assured me (by printing it on the back of the
disc) that the quality of the images is lower than the commercial
release. I guess that means that when you come to buy this product,
you will be even more impressed by the clarity etc.
If you have the comics, or have read them, then
obviously this is a must. If you haven’t, maybe your approach is to
see the cartoon first, then acquire the comics. Either way, it’s
highly recommended!

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