Swift & Shift Couriers Season 2
Madman have released season two of Paul (Mr. Politically Incorrect but
boy is he funny) Fenech's SWIFT & SHIFT COURIERS, which has been airing on
SBS. However bare in mind that this comedy is not for everyone and the humour of Paul Fenech is quite juvenile at best
and you'll either hate it or love it.
Needless to say, he doesn't pull any punches when
it comes to his creations and if you enjoyed Fat Pizza or his current
creations HOUSOS, than Swift & Shift Couriers will definitely be up your
alley. Even though I enjoy the comedy of Fenech, some of his sketches
fail horribly, whereas other sketches will have you in comedic stitches.
Season 2 of Swift & Shift Couriers is no exception to this rule.

The beautiful ladies of Swift & Shift
For the uninitiated, Swift & Shift revolves around a dodgy courier
company in the wonderful fictional suburb of Hashfield in Sydney.
It is here where this shonky company operates and ALL of its employees get up to all
sorts of mischief and anecdotes which is where the over the top humour comes into
play. It's foul, it's funny and sometimes it's fantastic!
Even the atmosphere of the series such as the cheap
dodgy sets only
highlights the comedy of Fenech, especially the sometimes ridiculous
acting involved by everyone. Although there are a few new faces in Season 2 of Swift
& Shift Couriers, the gags still come a million miles per hour and lots
of characters get their moment to shine. Whether it's Manager Keith (Ian Turpie) or Dave the angry dwarf or
my favourite Mario (Fenech), there's
something strangely disturbing and entertaining about their
interpretation of the world.

The sexy men of Swift & Shift Couriers
Although the funniest moment in Swift & Shift was season one where Mario
was being chased by one of the big "Gorilla" looking boys from the
courier company. It was like Donkey Kong with music to boot. This will
be burned in my memory forever... of course season 2 of Swift and Shift has another classic moment where Mario and
the guys arrange a stripper for their manager Keith. Keith is also the
manager we would all love to have because he doesn't really give a toss
about work... like most Australians.
Unfortunately things don't go according to plan, especially when the
workplace harassment officer pays a visit. Needless to say, it almost
hits the fan at Swift & Shift couriers. Classic Fenech! There is even a love story
going on in the background (or is this stalking) with Mario having the
hots for Melissa (Melissa Tkautz) and somehow they end up in Las Vegas.
Final Thoughts?
Given the evidence, Swift & Shift Couriers Season 2 is definitely not
for everyone and I'm sure only a small percentage of the Australian
population will piss themselves with laughter and for the rest...
well, some things are best left unsaid. If you enjoyed Fat Pizza, Housos
or the previous series of Swift & Shift than this is a must have
collection. It's bad but for psychological deranged people like
myself... it's Australian comedy at its worst and best. Ha! Is Fenech a
modern Paul Hogan? I'll leave this for you to decide!