Strait Jacket
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This interesting action anime DVD is created by the
master Ichiro Sakaki who brings together a ruthless techno-magic
world with enough twists and turns to keep even the most observant of
viewers confused.
The series revolves around an almost anti-hero character
called Leiot Steinberg, a sorcerist who specialises in the removal of
powerful demons. Set in the city of Tristan, a young girl who happens to
be part demon introduces Magic Administrator Nelin Seemonz to Leiot
Steinberg, a sorcerist who has lost the will to live due to this dark
and shrouded history.
Unfortunately his time is not near and in this strange
world of technology and magic, the number of demon appearances is
increasing and thankfully Leiot Steinberg has the power to return these
denizens from the hell they once came. Motivated by the soul of this
strange girl, the battle for Steinberg is more about his inner demons
than the demons of flesh.
With some beautiful animation and a very engaging yet
sometimes confusing storyline, Strait Jacket is definitely one of
those non-stereotype anime movies that is not afraid to think outside
the box and thankfully, it works. A great meld of science fiction meets
sorcery with wondrous characters and a story that easily sucks you in.