Star Trek V
The Final Frontier

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With the latest "reboot" Star Trek film
finally hitting Australia shores, it was inevitable that we would see
something from the original cast who started it all and Paramount have
carefully released a remastered edition of Star Trek V the Final
Frontier. Although not the final movie in the series with the original
actors, this film has been dubbed by some critics and Trekkers as the worst
movie in the franchise. Dogged by production problems and rumored rifts
between cast members, somehow the movie was completed and it follows
from the previous movie where the original crew was given a new starship
Unfortunately this ship is plagued with
numerous problems, however Starfleet Command have ordered the Enterprise
to Nimbus III who have reported problems to their superiors. Upon
arriving, they soon discover that this was an elaborate hoax and the
ship is hijacked by the renegade Vulcan, Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill) who
is on a quest to discover God. Somehow Sybok has discovered the
whereabouts of the planet where "god" resides, known as Sha-ka-ri to the
Vulcans or Eden to humans. To compound the situation, Sybok is Spock's
half brother and he has caused rifts through the Enterprise and in order
to find "god", they must travel through the Great Barrier
which of course is impossible. Of course,
the crew of the Enterprise discover that "god" may not be all that he
seems which comes one of the best quotes from this movie "What does God
need with a Starship" as so eloquently said by Kirk.
Compared to the previous movies and
television series, the acting, although over the top is actually quite
serious in this movie, even though William Shatner steals the show which
was apparently one of the reasons the rifts occurred between the cast
members. To my original comment that some critics and Trekkers
have dubbed this as the worst Star Trek movie, I disagree as the movie
paid true homage to the dream of Gene Roddenberry.
Seeing the classics actors again that include
William Shatner as Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as Spock and Deforest Kelly as
Doctor "Bones McCoy was a pure treat and they really immerse into their
characters with their witty banter. However where this current
presentation shines is through the amazing video and audio quality,
thanks to the remastering by Paramount that almost makes this movie seem
like it was filmed yesterday. The special features are a tad weak which
include new commentary by Michael & Denise Okuda, Judith & Garfield
Reeves-Stevens and Daren Dockhterman, Star Trek honors NASA, Hollywood
Walk of Fame: James Doohan and Starfleet Academy: Nimbus III, it's still
an interesting insight into this amazing phenomena that is as strong
today as it was in the 1960's.
Definitely one for connoisseurs of classic
Hollywood science fiction films or Trekkers of all ages!