This impressive anime boxed set
revolves around a group of starship trainees, more specifically the
73rd class of cadets of the Defense University of a small planet
called Kibi and upon returning to their home world after a training
mission, they learn that their world has been taken over by a
hostile government.
From here, the trainees decide to take
matters into their own hand, however in order for them to fund their
attack on this nefarious government, they agree to take onboard a
journalist who will record their activities.
As they become involved in a variety of
amazingly recreated anime battle scenes, they soon discover that not
everything is black and white with their involvement which creates a
plethora of other issues.
Best described, Starship Operators is a
political action anime series that features some great animation and
what really pushes this series over the line is the professional
voice acting that is not forced nor clichéd and suits the series
Even though the series is aimed at the
older market, some children will also enjoy the storyline but what
really makes its mark is the political intrigue as the viewer is
taken on a futuristic journey of how actions and choices effect the
fate of others.
DVD Special Features
Music Videos: Kotoko, Bravey Wins, Blue Star
Textless Opening and Closing