Some Girls Season One
Touted as kind of a
female equivalent of The Inbetweeners, Some Girls follows
the exploits of four teenage friends from the same inner city estate as
they navigate the perilous trials of adolescence and school life.

The characters, much like
the concept, are analogous to those from The Inbetweeners: Dopey
best friend Amber, foul mouthed Holli, the sardonic Saz and Viva,
narrator and the lynchpin that holds this motley crew together. Much of
the show centers around their school football team, boy troubles and
their acrimonious relationship with their Kiwi coach Anna, who also
happens to be Viva’s stepmother.
Throughout the series the
girls compete in a mixed gender soccer match, steal the school’s pet
Hamster, contend with Amber’s rocky relationship with on again/ off
again flame Brandon, conspire to help Saz lose her virginity and
encounter a hobo with a predilection for pooping in elevators.
As you can probably
imagine from the description above, Sweet Valley High this isn’t;
the girls candidly discuss sexual matters and the language is
appropriately smutty enough to realistically convey the, uh, unique
vernacular of many teenage girls.

Unfortunately the writing
can be uneven at times, with the first episode in particular missing the
mark more often than not. Often the show will resort to puerile humour
merely for the shock value and this fails to rest easy with the more
restrained jokes that do hit the mark; it’s almost like the gross out
gags are Some Girls’ attempt to corner the same market as the
aforementioned Inbetweeners but they feel incredibly forced at
times and detract from the show somewhat. Credit must go to the cast
though, for even when a joke bombs their commitment to the scene ensure
that the audience remains engaged.
Initially the characters
are rather thinly drawn and, in Holli and Saz’s case, downright
unlikeable, but by the third episode the writers seem to have pinned
down the personalities and the girls become multi-faceted characters
rather than caricatures. By the final episode, the brash and brazen
Holli had become my favourite member of the quartet in stark comparison
to my sentiments when I started out with the series.
Viva’s genitalia fixated
brother and her fireman father (Colin Salmon) serve up some of the
better jokes in the series, and her tenuous relationship with Anna is
the impetus for some awkward moments that would be familiar to anyone
who’s had to contend with an interloping step-parent.
If there is a weak point
amongst the cast it would have to be Viva herself; despite a commanding
performance by Adelayo Adedayo, as the voice of reason in the group Viva
is simply the straight man and subsequently the blandest character.
Thankfully the characters of Amber and Holli carry the show ably,
although Saz is similarly underused until the episode focusing on her
awkward attempts to ensnare a mate.
This release contains all
six episodes of the first season and the disc transfer is of high
quality, with no issues present in either the audio or visual
departments. Unfortunately Some Girls is a bare bones release,
with nary a special feature to be found.

Final Thought
Despite their best
efforts, comparisons to The Inbetweeners are inevitable and many
may dismiss Some Girls on that basis alone. The show certainly
has potential and the inconsistent tone of the first few episodes is all
but gone by the close of the season as the actors settle comfortably
into their roles, but the writers need to take a few more risks if
Some Girls is to stand out amongst the glut of new comedy shows.
There are a few nice
little touches throughout the series, such as the visual representations
of text messages, but the writing is easily the weakest link and I found
that my interest was only really held by the strong performances of the
cast. With a second season in the works, hopefully the scripts can match
the caliber of the acting and Some Girls can realise its untapped
potential, but at the moment the show serves only as a brief distraction
and nothing more.