Season of the Witch
Upon learning some time ago that Nicolas
Cage’s next film project was to be a loose remake of Ingmar Bergman’s
1957 medieval epic The Seventh Seal, possibly the greatest film
of all time, my initial reaction was to curl up into a ball and rock
back and forth muttering ‘they wouldn’t dare, they wouldn’t dare...’
After several resounding slaps and a
liberal dose of smelling salts I recovered my senses, yet the vague
sense of dread has never really departed. Bergman is one of the shining
lights of 20th century European cinema, and if they are going
to choose a team to remake The Seventh Seal I’m not sure it
should include Nic Cage and Ron ‘The guy from Hellboy’ Perlman in
front of the lens and the director of Swordfish and Gone in 60
Seconds, Dominic Sena, behind it.

This big budget artistic abortion is set in
the 14th century and sees Cage and Perlman star as warring
Teutonic Knights not averse to teaching the godless savages of Asia
Minor a thing or two about Christian chivalry. They partake in multiple
Crusades and slay countless heathen foes over a number of years, yet for
some reason are appalled when during one particularly bloody battle
there is some collateral damage in the form of a dead female or two.
Instantly repenting of their bloody past, the newly sanctimonious mass
murderers head home to a land ravaged by the Black Plague. In a spot of
bother over the whole ‘renouncing of God’s mission’ debacle, they are
commanded by an ailing Cardinal (Lord of the Ring’s Christopher
Lee) to deliver a young woman accused of witchcraft to a distant abbey
in order that she can stand trial. The mission is dangerous, the hair
is long and unkempt and the journey itself is a harrowing one replete
with wolves, curses, demons and plenty of clichéd sentiment (‘Prayer is
our only hope now’).
The Seventh Seal is a cinematic
triumph of the highest order, in which questions such of mortality,
morality and the meaning of life are dealt with in eminently intelligent
fashion amidst an artful backdrop of unforgettable imagery and
incomparable directorial prowess. Season of the Witch, on the
other hand, is a film in which Nic Cage staggers around in a Kurt Cobain
wig and priests drop zingers like ‘I think we’re gonna need more holy
water.’ The film currently holds a 6% fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes
and wowed neither audiences nor critics, but it does have a couple of
positives. Perlman is typically excellent as the deadpan sidekick,
putting in another adroit and subtly wry performance, and the lovely
Claire Foy likewise proves no slouch as the sassy spellmonger forced to
do most of her acting in bad makeup whilst cooped up in a cage.
Ultimately however the film is too
contemporary in its execution, and in the way the characters jive and
wisecrack as they slice and hack reeks more of a buddy cop comedy than
an authentic depiction of an age in which people literally reeked. It’s
yet another misfire for Cage, and though it contains some enjoyable (if
anachronistic) exchanges is a film that should probably be avoided like
the Black Plague.
Audio & Video
The film makes extensive usage of special
effects, which are a bewildering blend of adept and inept. Sometimes
the CGI looks entirely convincing, other times it appears as though Cage
and his cohorts are traipsing through a mid-level sword and sorcery
RPG. On the whole the anamorphic 16:9 transfer is intentionally dark,
but it’s never gritty and the picture quality itself is sharp. The DD
5.1 surround audio is potent enough, though directionality is somewhat
limited and Atli Ovarsson’s score never really soars as it should, and
there are descriptive narration and descriptive subtitle options
available also.
Special Features
Season of the Witch might well be
the only film I’ve ever seen which is eclipsed in every conceivable
sense by the trailers which precede it. Then again, these are some
pretty good trailers, touting the adrenaline-soaked newies from Jason
Statham (The Mechanic), The Hangover’s Bradley Cooper (Limitless)
and horror-comedy stalwart Wes Craven (Scream 4). Also included
are eight Deleted Scenes, including an unrated and slightly more
gruesome prologue, and a theatrical trailer.