Panty & Stocking
Season 1 Collection
With a plot seemingly ripped from the glue sniffing fever dreams of a
special needs child and a visual style reminiscent of a combination of
the short lived Clerks animated series and The Powerpuff Girls,
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt is a strange beast indeed.

The main premise of the show goes a little like this: Sisters Panty and
Stocking are two fallen angels expelled from Heaven for being, and I
quote, “foul mouthed bitches”. Sent to Daten City, similar to purgatory,
they are tasked with destroying the evil spirits that besiege the town
in order to gain “Heaven Coins” that will eventually allow them to
re-enter Heaven.
Assisted by a pederast reverend named Garterbelt, amateur ghost hunter
Brief and a Dog-like creature named Chuck – Who bears more than a
passing resemblance to Gir from Invader Zim – The sisters are
supposed to use their special weapons, a pair of panties that turns into
a gun and stockings that become swords, to vanquish their enemies but
consistently find themselves distracted by their respective addictions:
Candy for Stocking and, erm, Man-Candy for the nymphomaniac Panty.

With the potential of crossover appeal into the Adult Swim fan base,
Panty and Stocking is loaded with gross out gags, puerile plot points
and other alliterative synonyms. Unlike the esoteric nature of many
Anime series, the show seems to be designed to appeal especially to a
Western market, albeit with some of the idiosyncrasies expected
considering its land of origin.
The proclaimed mission statement of the show is to push the boundaries
of vulgar and indecent humour and in this respect the show excels. As a
fan of ‘wrong’ humour, even I found myself shaking my head in disbelief
at how low the bar was dropped. Seriously, there are some socially taboo
conventions being played for laughs throughout the series and A LOT of
juvenile humour.

The artistic direction of the show is incredibly inspired, switching
between various animation styles throughout an episode and even
inserting some live action footage, most amusing of which is the running
joke of an exploding statuette of the main antagonist of the episode.
Irreverent though it may be, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
occasionally grants a telling glimpse of intelligent design. The
creators have no delusions regarding the kind of show that they’re
making and they absolutely revel in the sheer hyperkinetic nonsense of
it all.

Video & Audio Quality
With garish colours, multiple animations styles and a Western aesthetic,
nobody could ever accuse Panty and Stocking of looking bad. The
transfer is top of the range, with no sign of pixellation and the crisp
colours and thick black outlines richly rendered. There were no
noticeable signs of compression or digital artifacts throughout the
entire series.
Sound is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1, projecting dialogue through the
centre channel and leaving sound effects and music to the surrounding
speakers. Unfortunately there was some noticeable bleed through in
respect to the dialogue channel, but nothing too major.

Special Features
at the back of the DVD it would appear that there are loads of extras on
this release, but don’t be fooled - Many of them are rather brief.
Highlights include a Fan event with a Q & A, a series of eight shorts
that ramp the insanity factor up to 11 despite their reduced running
times and a fun documentary covering the enthusiastic blowing up of the
ghost statuettes and packed with interviews with key staff. Be aware
that some of the featurettes only have Japanese audio with subtitles,
although the U.S centric supplements are in English.
List of features:
- Panty and Stocking in
Sanitary Box OVA episodes (8:51)
- Ghost Explosion Collection and Documentary (61:23)
- TV & DVD Commercials (14:00)
- Talk Live Animated at Loft/Plus One (23:50)
- Making of Lingerie Scene (10:59)
- Outtakes (16:00)
- US Trailer
- Textless Songs
- TV promotional Video
- Official Home page Commercials

Final Thoughts
I admit I wasn’t really expecting to like this show and I begrudgingly
gave it a chance. To my surprise I found that, despite myself, I
actually found quite a lot to like about this truly bizarre show.
Far from mainstream, it manages to avoid the niche market generally
associated with the genre and for someone who isn’t a fan of anime but
does watch a lot of comedic American animation Panty and Stocking
with Garterbelt bridges the gap admirably. It’s not for everyone,
but if you’re so inclined you’ll find a slyly intelligent show
masquerading as pure filth.
If you’re not a fun of vulgar humour and innuendo laden dialogue then
this show isn’t going to convert you, but aside from some surreal
moments where even I shook my head in disbelief and some jokes that
fall flatter than a steamrolled pancake, Panty and Stocking with
Garterbelt is one of my biggest surprises of the year. It’s not
high art but it is an incredibly fun ride.