Feature |
7.5 |
Video |
8.0 |
Audio |
8.0 |
Special Features |
6.5 |
Total |
8.0 |
Distributor: AV Channel
Running Time: 55 minutes
Classification: MA15+
Reviewer: Rick Thorpe |
8.0 |
New Fist of the North Star
Anime's equivalent of Mad Max with skull exploding martial arts has
been remade into a very slick update to the existing series. My
first encounter with Fist OF The North Star was the old Sega Mega
Drive game called Last Battle, then later with the English
translation of the manga series by Viz. I always liked the property
and thought it never really took off as much as I thought it should
in the west. I Hope this serves as a great start to get some more
fans in the west, especially with the ever increasing popularity of
Fist Of The North
Star (FOTNS) is a great series of stories that are somewhere between
Lone Wolf and Cub and Mad Max, involving lots of post apocalyptic
action mixed with some completely out of control martial arts
violence. This new story has Kenshiro, a lone warrior who wanders
the bleak landscape of the future, helping its poor inhabitants who
are ravaged by disease and harassed by gangs. It's nothing
particularly new, but it makes for some classic FOTNS action. That's
what really sold me on this, as it keeps the art style and feel from
the original stories while updating it with lots of great new
effects that modern animation is capable of.
Volume one: The
Cursed City has Kenshiro helping out the Village of Freedom who are
desperately in need of uncontaminated water. The Last Land Kingdom
are controlling the area with an iron fist and are killing the
locals like there's no tomorrow. Tobi ( a man who sells
"information") finds the villagers an underwater spring. As soon as
Tobi shows them the spring, a garrison from the Last Land turn up on
dirt bikes and in jeeps and claims it in their name. Cue Kenshiro,
who just happens to be in the area, who gives the garrison a right
seeing to. Tobi gets injured in the fight and Kenshiro takes him to
a local healer,... with skills not unlike his own.
The story continues
on its merry way, not getting bogged down, and not going for more
than a few minutes without some more head popping action. The simple
good versus evil plot could have been torn from any western or
sci-fi story involving an oppressive government and a powerful
individual who stands up for the little guy, but it works great. For
anime, it keeps very uncomplicated and doesn't get (dare I say it)
boring like a lot of anime that tries to overcomplicate a simple
story, but that's just my opinion. It really keeps its "old school"
anime/manga heritage and like classic 80s style action movies, they
just don't come along that often these days.
This is a great start
to this three part series and I hope it keeps up the pace for the
remaining two episodes. Beware though, there is some very explicit
violence and gore, and some of the sequences are not for the faint
of heart.
Although its a 16:9 feature the picture isn't enhanced and remains
letterboxed, which is a tad disappointing in this day and age.
On the other hand most anime produced these days is 4:3, so its
not really a big issue, still, a true 16:9 picture would have been
nice. The picture is, however, completely flawless. This is a great
expononent of how clean modern animation can look, with not
artefacts or interlacing issues at all. There's quite a lot of CG in
this and it merges seamlessly with the traditional animation. Its a
fantastic looking picture and really shows off the great design work
and production.
Audio: Another
surprise was that FOTNS was in 5.1 Dolby Digital, in both the
Japanese and English tracks. Both tracks are great and create
quite an immersive experience. I would say the rear channels were a
little loud, but that's not a great problem which can be easily
fixed with your remote on most 5.1 systems. There's a lot of
positional effects and some nice low end. The dialogue stays crisp
and clean, and the English track, although still inferior to the
Japanese one, does a good job without getting too cheesy.
Special Features:
I was surprised there were any extras at all on this disc, but
what's here was worth inclusion. There's a thirty minute long
interview with the leads of the English voice talent that stays
informative, without getting too dry and boring. A nice inclusion in
the extras was an Interview with Relson Gracie, of the world famous
Gracie Family; who are incredible jiu jitsu martial artists. He
explains the principles of the fighting style, and how the pressure
points work in combat. This is quite informative and entertaining.
Lastly there is an interview with the Japanese creators of the
project at a press conference for the release. This gives a nice
insight into what they wanted to do with the franchise and shows the
respect and love they have for the original story. Some trailers and
promo stuff rounds out the extras, in usual ADV fashion.
Final Say: An excellent start to the series and great ride
for anyone into the more visceral side of anime. The action is
fantastic as is the extreme violence. This may not be for everyone
however as it pulls no punches in the gore department. Fantastic
presentation in video and sound make this a great opening to what I
hope will develop into a must-have trilogy.