March of the Dinosaurs
This documentary is a
strange beast indeed and although the story and information is quite
accessible to the viewer, I was a little disappointed with the special
effects. Given that this special was created by the people behind
Walking with Dinosaurs, the special effects just felt "off" at times
but at other times, they looked spectacular. They almost look cartoonish
and the problem was not the dinosaurs themselves but rather the
backgrounds which looked too computer generated. I guess I'm probably
being too spoilt by all the Hollywood films of late but even so, it
seemed a little lacklustre.

Enough griping! When it
came to content, March of the Dinosaurs definitely has it. The story
follows two young dinosaurs, Scar and Patch as the series
follows their journey through their struggle for survival in this world
of ancient beasts. Scar, a Edmontosauraus must make the arduous thousand
mile walk through wastelands and all sorts of dangers with lots of "fun
facts" given to the viewer to get to his feeding grounds with his herd.
I loved seeing Scar swim for the first time and became quite emotional
when he was being chased by other dinosaurs who led the herd into an
ambush. It was quite thrilling to watch.

The other dinosaur
Patch, a young Troodon who unlike Scar is a meat eater and needs to
learn how to survive the dangerous arctic winters. The contrast between
the two dinosaurs is a treat to watch and their personalities are so
different, almost realistic which really helps draw you in. Scar is
definitely the more curious of the two, until he encounters his first
taste of real danger. The highlight of the Troodon story is seeing Patch
hunt for the first time and learning to become an efficient hunter.

Video, Audio &
Special Features
Narrated by Stephen Fry, he helps bring the journey of Scar and Patch to
life and adds a uniqueness to this documentary, thanks to his almost
visual commentary. The video quality looks brilliant on DVD but as
mentioned, the high quality of this presentation also highlights some of
the flaws of the CGI that is unfortunately a mixed bag. The musical
score has this Hollywood theme to it that adds to the story and the
sound effects are quite well made.
This documentary even
contains some interesting special features that include;
In the end, March of the
Dinosaurs is an informative and sometimes emotional series that used
scientific evidence to help retell the tale of these two dinosaurs. It
should also be noted that March of the Dinosaurs is sometimes quite
violent due to the meat eaters that litter this series but can
definitely be watch by children, provided there is some adult