Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Starring: Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David
Schwimmer, Jada Pinkett Smith
It’s not often that
you see a movie franchise that gets considerably better with each
instalment. The Madagascar film series is a shining example of
this, and Europe’s Most Wanted, the latest release, is the most
entertaining thus far. While the plot is nothing spectacular, the real
charm comes from the excellent animation and stellar voice acting from
each and every actor involved.

Madagascar 3’s
story picks up right after the events of Escape to Africa, with
Alex the lion longing to return to Central Park Zoo in New York City.
Alex, along with Marty, Gloria and Melman decide their best chance to
get back home lie in the hands of the penguins, who are on holiday in
Europe along with the monkeys, so the four of them decide to scuba dive
to Monte Carlo. This opens up a massive plot hole in the story due to
the fact that they could’ve just gone to New York themselves, but
where’s the fun in that? Upon arrival at Monte Carlo they are
immediately pursued by game hunter Officer Chantel Dubois, who has an
empty space on her wall that would be perfect to hang Alex’s head.

The group then run
away with the circus in order to hide, where we are introduced to a
plethora of new characters that all fit well into the Madagascar
universe. Alex’s relationship with Jia the jaguar is one of the film’s
main focuses, but the side story involving King Julian (played by funny
man Sacha Baron Cohen) and Sonya the bear is by far the funniest aspect
of the film and is a great way to get adults more involved in the film’s
plot. The animation is again of the highest standard; DreamWorks have
managed to create a fantastic minimalistic approach to animation with
enough detail to great moments of humour and emotion.
Special features
included on the Blu-ray and DVD releases of Madagascar 3 include
deleted scenes, trivia games, music videos and mashups and plenty more
to keep your kids entertained once the movie is over.
There’s certainly enough gas left in the tank for a couple more
Madagascar films to be made. Europe’s Most Wanted introduces
plenty of likeable new characters to keep things fresh and the slick
animation and sharp writing continue to make this franchise one of the
best in recent times for audiences of all ages.