Lost Girl Season One

The cast of Lost Girl
Canadian produced supernatural series actually has one of the most
unique premises for a TV show. It revolves around a female demon named
"Bo", more importantly a Succubus. In mythology a Succubus are demons
who seduces men in order to devour them. Fortunately they can turn into
a beautiful woman. The beautiful woman in this case is actress Anna
Silk who plays this interesting, almost split personality character
as she attempts to keep her darkness in check. For Bo, she would much
rather prefer to remain human as opposed to unleashing her demon ways.
times, Lost Girl is a little reminiscent of the excellent Joss
Whedon series Angel which featured a similar precise, however unlike
Angelus the vampire who became good because he was given back his soul,
Bo decides to make the choice on her own, even though her memories are
quite clouded. The first episode begins with Bo on the run, no memories,
only fragments of her past and even more concerning is that whenever Bo
kisses someone, they die. However Bo is not alone in the supernatural
and she is approached by "The Fae".

Fae are a mysterious organisation who offer Bo the chance to not only
divulge her information of her past but give her the choice of joining
one of two tribes, the Light of the Dark. Bo rejects their offer and
chooses humanity as opposed to the world of the supernatural.
As you
can see, Bo is quite a strong willed individual and thankfully along her
journey, she meets other people who act as friends and allies. These
people include Kenzi (Ksenia Solo), her human sidekick and Dyson (Kris
Holden-Reid) who is actually a Far working as a human detective. Bo even
opens her own private investigation company, just like Angel.
Generally, each episode revolves around Bo and friends assisting someone
or something such as a a lost college student or a will-o-wisp to find
their treasure. However the main theme that overlaps each episode is the
world of the Fae or the fairies and as the series progresses, the viewer
is treated to new supernatural beings and additional information about
the background of Bo such as her mother whom she is searching for.
Without spoiling the stories that run throughout this series, Lost
Girl is a thoroughly enjoyable supernatural TV show and Bo makes the
perfect protagonist. There is also an awesome revelation near the end of
the season we won't spoil it here. If you enjoy TV shows such as
Supernatural, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or True Blood, than Lost
Girl is definitely right up your alley.
DVD, the video quality is quite acceptable as is the audio for this well
made TV series.
it out!