This science
fiction thriller stars Australia's very own Guy Pearce in one of
the most sci-fi clichéd ridden films of the year. The story is bad and
seems to be taken from a variety of other films such as Escape from New
York but in space, the acting is over the top but somewhere in all this
mess, Lockout is actually quite a fun movie to watch and has some
witty banter thrown into the mix.

The story of
Lockout revolves around the US President's daughter Emile Warnock
(Maggie Grace) leading a humanitarian mission to an experimental space
prison called MS One.
This prison
also holds 500 of the Earth's most dangerous criminals who are in
cryogenics. Unfortunately when Emile arrives on the space station, it is
overrun with the prisoners that it houses and it is up to Agent Snow
(Guy Pearce) to save the presidents daughter.

for the presidents daughter, Agent Snow has been wrongfully accused and
when the prisoners hold Emile hostage, insert every sci-fi cliché in
getting her back, Snow graciously agrees to rescue her with a promise of
However when
Snow finally finds Emile, she is far from the prissy daughter that he
was expecting and he realises that she can handle her own. The violence
in the film almost borders of comical and there's even a futuristic
motorbike chase in the corridors of this giant space prison. Pearce is
the highlight the film, especially with his tough guy dialogue and Grace
seems to be along for the ride... and her good looks.

much of its inspiration comes from John Carpenter's Escape from New
York, the co-writer of Lockout is actually the legendary Luc Besson who
actually lends some credibility to the story where you actually see his
influence in the story with some parallels of the Fifth Element.
The dialogue
is incredibly cheesy at times and the special effects are a little dated
which only enhances its charm. Video and Audio quality is decent for a
film of this budget and unfortunately special features are almost
non-exist. Nonetheless, Lockout is a movie that most sci-fi
junkies will enjoy but ultimately forget as there can only be one Snake
on Blu-ray & DVD 2nd of January 2013