Kill Arman Series 1
Can you turn a Finnish master tailor in his early
thirties who has no Martial Arts experience into a lean mean killing
machine in just six months?
But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything
surprising or wonderful about this series though.

There is a period in every man’s life usually not
before that man has turned forty when all men harbor the
fantasy/delusion that they could quit everything run away to a monastery
and through dedication to the martial arts become a force to be reckoned
with. I think John Birmingham said that but I could be wrong. Whoever
said it, Arman, (the Arman from the title Kill Arman) has taken it to
heart and decided not only to leave his job as a Master Tailor/Fashion
Designer but to train in Martial arts for six months and then get his
head beaten in by Ten Martial Arts masters who are much better than him.
Thus the concept for the show is set up. And that’s
about it really. Arman is there to be beaten and people take full
advantage of the fact that he wants to step into the ring with the top
martial artist in the world.

The nice thing about Arman is that he is so
enthusiastic about learning and training with whoever is willing to
teach him and then thankful for the experience even though the
experience often leaves him with a concussion. Since there is little
hope of Arman beating these masters the fun comes from seeing either how
quickly or imaginatively the Master will put Arman down or if Arman can
last his three allotted rounds. Also learning the history and background
of the Martial Art he is learning this week and the basic styles is
pretty cool.
Special Features: Yeah good luck with that, none.
Video: Video is good quality.
Audio: Stereo only, nicely mixed though so you hear
every thwack and thunk and whimper.