almost Japanese inspired horror movie revolves around Claire Parker, a
university student whose life is soon about to be turned upside one
evening while she waits for her boyfriend outside the store where she is
On this paradoxical evening, she enters her boyfriend's car,
only to discover that it is being driven by the strange Duke Desmond and
from there, Claire is beaten and murdered. Awaking from this horrible
"dream", Claire soon discovers that she must relive this nightmare over
and over again. Think Groundhog day but with a horror twist!
Brilliant acting by Lauren Currie, she does an amazing
job at drawing the viewer into this hellish nightmare with a truly
unexpected twist at the end. It's creepy, it's thrilling and best of
all, it will leave you clutching to your seat as you watch the Duke go
on his murderous rampage in this almost psychological horror.
in an aspect ratio of 16:9 with Dolby Digital 5.1, it may not be a true
cinematic experience but it's going to truly scare the living daylights
out of you regardless.
Definitely one for the lovers of horror and an interesting commentary by
the director.
Special Features
Director's Commentary
Theatrical Trailer
Stills Gallery |