The Gestapo: Hitler's Secret Police

few state organisations in history have instilled fear into citizens
like the Gestapo, Adolf Hitler’s secret police. In the 12 years of its
operation from 1933 to 1945, this sinister agency run by SS head
Heinrich Himmler and his ruthless deputy Reinhard Heydrich terrorised at
first an entire nation and then finally an entire continent. During the
darkest days of the Nazi occupation of Europe, the most dreaded sound
was a knock at the door after dark. Everyone who lived under Nazi rule
lived in fear of the black-booted agents with the power over life and
death. Hitler called them his ‘deadliest weapon,’ and without agencies
such as the Gestapo his genocidal ambitions could never have been fully
brought to fruition.
six years of its inception, the Gestapo had grown from a regional secret
police force into a crucial executive arm of the Nazi Party. By the
outbreak of World War II, it had evolved into a wide-reaching
organisation whose success in crushing resistance to the state was
unparalleled. As the war in Europe raged, the Gestapo extended their
operations to include areas under German control, leading to a new era
of terror which culminated in the Final Solution. In addition to
gathering intelligence, investigating reports of espionage and treason,
interrogating suspects and imprisoning political dissidents, Jews and
other ‘undesirables’ without trial, the Gestapo also implemented one of
Hitler’s most terrible orders - the infamous Night and Fog Decree, under
which thousands of political prisoners simply disappeared whilst under
Gestapo custody. In many cases their bodies were never found, and their
families did not fully learn the truth of what had happened to such
prisoners until years after the war, if at all.
fascinating three-part documentary from HISTORY explores the inner
workings of the Gestapo, from its comparatively modest origins to its
rise to prominence as Hitler’s main instrument of fear. Over its
movie-length running time the series incorporates period footage,
re-enactments, primary source material and eyewitness testimony,
expertly building a comprehensive picture of a sinister organisation
that held the power of life and death over millions.