Generation Kill
Generation Kill is an amazing mini series
by the creators of The Wire. What we are shown is a first hand account
of what the troops of the First Recon Battalion had to endure during the
start of the Iraq War. From the uncertainty of the Marines as to when it
was going to kick off, to how long it would last, we get a birds-eye
view of the action and how messed up it is for those US forces who have
to serve abroad.
You see, part of the intrigue of this series, all seven episodes of it,
is that the sheer amount of realism should have the average person
quaking in their shoes about the true effectiveness of one of the
"greatest" nations in the world. Did you know that the average marine on
deployment will actually end up spending their own wage (or part of) on
their own protective gear? Scrounging for batteries for Night Vision
Goggles is just another task in the day for the First Recon as they
struggle to get their vehicles working and weapons firing, whilst the
brass drive about in fully rigged out units.
This is a gritty series, and it certainly doesn't back away from any
unpleasantness. The war over there is fully depicted in all it's madness
and the way that the marines react to it. Based on a book titled Gen
Kill, this is a series that when it aired in the States, it achieved
acclaimed from both active and retired personell for its commitment to
realism regardless of the light being shone on the enemy or the marines
we are lucky enough to be along for the ride with.
Spanning across three DVDs, Generation Kill is a must view series for
the main content, then make the time to watch and listen to the extras.
A word of warning to the squeamish or easily offended, this is probably
a series that will do just that for you. Gen Kill is not a gentle series
by any stretch of the imagination and all is revealed here, from the
cruelty of battle to the racism of the enlisted men, the aim is to
present an honest account as opposed to glorifying the conflict. You
might be shocked at times but you owe it to yourself to try this one
Get Some
The Cradle of Civilization
Combat Jack
A Burning Dog
Stay Frosty
Bomb In The Garden
DVD Extras:
A Conversation with the 1st Recon Marines
Making Generation Kill
Eric Laden's Video Diaries
Audio Commentaries
Deleted Dialogues |