Set in the not so
distant future, Frontier(s) revolves around a group of friends who
succeed in a bank robbery during a race riot in Paris. After
escaping from their robbery, they agree to meet at a hostel if they
are split up and as fate would have it, things begin to go horribly
Tom (David Saracino)
and Farid (Chems Dahmani) are the first to arrive at the hostel,
only to be caught by the owners of this strange hostel and their
life of "normality" becomes a hellish nightmare. Soon the tortures
begin and when Yasmine (Karina Testa) and Alex (Aur�lien Wiik)
arrive, they are oblivious to the situation that has been going on
behind the scenes.
Although Frontier(s)
is your stereotyped horror film, it's good to see it from another
perspective, especially given the talents of the French movie
industry. The move does have strong overturns of Texas Chainsaw
Massacre with this strange family who have targeted these "innocent"
individuals with almost elements of karmic paybacks.
The movie is quite
scary at times and the French dialogue only adds to the atmosphere
of the title with its creepiest scene involving the father of the
family who discovers that one of his victims is pregnant and how
Yasmine must cross the border of normality versus chaos.
With an R18+ rating,
Frontier(s) is definitely not for the faint hearted and contains
some extremely disturbing moments that will leave you reeling, long
after you have finished watching this terrifying movie.
Scary $@HT! by the
director of Hitman!
DVD Special
Making of FRONTIER(S)
Theatrical Trailers