Doctor Who the Ark
Starring William
Hartnell, Peter Purves and Jackie Lane, Doctor Who the
Ark is an "old school" Whovian story that stars the classic
and original Doctor. Seemingly based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark, Doctor Who the
Ark takes place on the last spaceship to hold the final bastion of
humanity as it makes its way to the planet Refusis II which will take
700 years.

The story begins with the Doctor's
lovely companion Dodo (Jackie
Lane) accidentally infecting the human crew of this ship, including
their servants the Monoid who are mute. However, as the story progresses,
we learn that the Monoid have no resistance against the flu and a plague
breaks out on the ship.
It's up to the Doctor to
take matters into his own hand and
with the assistance of his companion, they
attempt to rectify this situation. However as the story progresses, we
learn that these voiceless servants soon become a thorn in the side of
humanity and the servants become the masters.
It's a classic Doctor
Who story that features some very strange looking aliens with long hair
and googly eyes but unfortunately the story is a little disjointed and
confusing. It's a valiant attempt and there are some decent sets but it
seems that the writers were trying to fit too much into the episodes.
There are a few standout
lines by the Doctor as Hartnell attempts to appease these
creepy aliens in some anecdotal ways. Lane once again plays the faithful companion and is
interesting to see her character be the catalyst for the flu which did
bring a smile to my face. It's a Doctor Who from a truly simpler time.

Video, Audio &
Special Features
Overall, the Hartnell stories of Doctor
Who have been somewhat of a hit
and miss and this story errs more on the side of average than plain down
right bad. Video
and audio quality is acceptable, considering the age of this BBC TV series
and there are some interesting extras from audio commentary,
mini-featurettes and a very insightful documentary how Wells was used as
inspiration for the good Doctor.
All in all, it's another Doctor Who for fans of the original!
Special Features
Audio Commentary
Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf
All’s Wells That Ends Wells - A new documentary
One Hit Wonder
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