This is a must have collection for Doctor Who fans that not only
features an anthology of Doctor Who Regeneration episodes but gives
collectors a beautiful hardcover book about the various Doctors who
have graced this colourful and popular character. This collection is
an individually numbered limited edition with a maximum of 10,000
copies available in our region. Boasting six DVD's that total almost
1000 minutes, it collects every episode of the Doctor's regeneration
from the first Doctor to David Tennant's run. What makes this
collection even more special is that it features The Tenth Planet
which has been beautifully restored and looks amazing on DVD and
celebrates 50 years of Doctor Who.
Disc 1
Episodes 01 - 03 / Episode 04
Episodes 01 - 05
Disc 2
Episodes 06 - 10
Disc 3
Disc 4
Disc 5
Disc 6
mentioned, the highlight of this collection is The Tenth Planet
is the first time that these episodes have been released on DVD. I
also enjoyed episode 4 of The Tenth Planet which is an animated
Doctor Who episode and successfully tells a key landmark to Doctor
Who (William Hartnell incarnation) history, especially with the
villainous Cybermen. Another interesting element of The Tenth Planet
is that it's almost a history lesson on the 1960's that uses BBC
footage to help tell the story as the Doctor and his companions
as they attempt to protect the son of an astronaut. These episodes not only
established the Cybermen as a true threat to not just the Doctor but
also humanity and is a great walk down memory lane that eventually leads
to the first regeneration of the Doctor. Although it is quite
clichéd and a little tacky due to the time it was filmed, it is
still quite a powerful and emotional Doctor Who story that laid the
ground work of things to come.
Following The Tenth Planet is War Games which was the last time
viewers would see Patrick Troughton as the good Doctor. As the
Doctor uncovers a plot by aliens to embark on a universe conquering
invasion, he is forced to take matters into his own hands and assist
the rebels but calls forth the damnation of the Time Lords. As a
result, this forces the Doctor onto his next regeneration. The next
regeneration episode is Logopolis and features the classic Tom Baker
as the fourth Doctor. This pits the Doctor against his long-time
nemesis, the Master in a memorable battle between good versus evil.
Although the Doctor vanquishes his nemesis for now, he lies dying
that leads to Peter Davison taking over as the fifth Doctor.
Another interesting regeneration story is Planet of Spiders which
sees Jon Pertwee end his reign as the Doctor. These episodes still
give me the frights (it doesn't help that I'm an arachnophobia) that
focuses on a planet full of giant spiders and their Queen but also on
this planet is a small population of humans with strange powers. As
the Doctor is used by the Queen to retrieve a mysterious artefact,
she possess his companion Sarah Jane which forces the Doctor to
sacrifice his life in order to rid the planet of these nefarious
spiders. As the Doctor escapes in the Tardis, he is severely
poisoned by radiation as he is comforted by Sarah Jane in his last
Next up is the Caves of Androzani that is the final episode of Peter
Davison and when the Doctor
(Davison) arrives on the Androzani Minor with his companion Peri,
they are caught in the corruption of a space mining company that
forces the Doctor to sacrifice himself and features one of the most
clever regenerations to date. I was quite sad to see Davison
replaced by Sylvester McCoy and even though he had a bumpy start,
his interpretation of the Doctor was actually quite fun and
Time and the Rani, the Doctor is challenged by Rani, a renegade Time
Lord and is unfortunately one of the most uneventful episodes
included in this release. To compound the situation, it is flawed
with a bad story, horribly dialogue and a story that really doesn't
make much sense. Thankfully Doctor Who the Movie which features Paul
McGann as the eighth Doctor more than makes up for the flaws of In
Time and Rani. This is almost a blockbuster event for Doctor Who,
especially those fans from the 90's that sees the Doctor take on the
Master at the turn of the millennium in 1999 that combines elements of H.G. Wells.
Apart from McGann who played a great Doctor is Eric
Roberts who successfully played one of the most villainous Masters to
date. It's a shame that this movie didn't succeed with fans as I
would love to see McGann continue his run.
The last three stories on this collection feature Christopher
Ecceleston as the actor who successfully relaunched Doctor Who. As
Jack, Rose and the Doctor have been kidnapped, this two parter (Bad
Wolf/The Parting of the Ways) is another snapshot of society as the
trio is forced to participate in a sadistic version of Big Brother
that sees the Doctor selflessly sacrifice himself for the greater
good. As a result, this leads to the 10th regeneration of the Doctor
and we see David Tennant take on the guise of the new Time Lord.
Last but not least is The End of Time: Parts One & Two and is another
favourite episode of mine. Once again it pits the Doctor against the
Master who sees our hero stopping his nemesis before he changes the
DNA of mankind. It's another emotional episode, especially the
"death" of the Doctor who is replaced by fan favourite Matt Smith
that nicely finishes this collection.
Final Thoughts?
Regeneration is a wonderful insight into the Doctor Who mythology,
especially regarding his death and reborn. Apparently the Doctor can
only regenerate 12 times... we'll see if that sticks however!