Doctor Who New Beginnings DVD Review - -
Feature |
9.2 |
Video |
7.9 |
Audio |
7.8 |
Special Features |
9.5 |
Total |
9.2 |
Distributor: Roadshow
Running Time: 165 minutes
Classification: PG
Reviewer: John Smith |
9.2 |
Doctor Who New Beginnings
Doctor Who - New
Beginnings (The Keeper of Traken/Logopolis/Castrovala) is the latest
Dr. Who boxed set to arrive on DVD that features not only the return
of the Master but also the transition of Tom Baker's Doctor Who to
Peter Davison's Doctor Who.
Featuring three
different stories with 12 episodes, the tale for our good Doctor
(Tom Baker) begins on the planet of Traken where a mysterious statue
threatens the denizens of this star system. Not only does this tale
reintroduce the Master to the mythos but it also introduces the
brainy Nyssa, one of the doctor's new companions.
The next tale is
Longopolis that features our favourite villain, the doctors
arch-nemesis the Master who literally threatens the very fabric of
the universe. The storyline of the series really picks up in this
story and when the Doctor attempts to fix his damaged Tardis
circuitry, he is once again drawn into the world of the Master which
sees the mortal death of the fourth Doctor played by the talented
Tom Baker.
Finally, the tale of
Castrovala that sees Peter Davison become the new Doctor and when
his regeneration starts to fail, it us up to Nyssa and Tegan to
rescue the doctor. Although Davison was one the youngest actor to
play a Doctor, he brings a uniqueness to the character that that
pays perfect homage to the previous incarnations, especially William
The video quality of
Doctor Who - New Beginnings is very impressive for a series that is
almost 26 years old with audio to match. When it comes to special
features, this boxed set is definitely a Doctor Who Pandora's box
that includes the following:
Special Features:
- Keeper of Traken -
Commentary by actors Anthony Ainley, Sarah Sutton, Matthew
Materhouse and writer Johnny Byrne
- Keeper of Traken - Being
Nice to Each Other: a new 30-minute documentary looking at the
making of The Keeper of Traken
- Keeper of Traken - The
Return of the Master
- Keeper of Traken - Swap
Shop: Noel Edmonds interviews Sarah Sutton in an excerpt from
January 1981
- Logopolis - Commentary
by actors Tom Baker, Janet Fielding and writer Christopher H.
- Logopolis - A New Body
at Last: 50-minute documentary looking at the transition from
Tom Baker to Peter Davison
- Logopolis - Nationwide:
Interview from the BBC news magazine show with Tom Baker and
Peter Davison
- Logopolis - Pebble Mill
at One: Peter Davison interviewed on the long-running BBC
lunchtime show
- Logopolis - BBC News
Reports on Tom Baker's wedding, the announcement of Tom Baker's
departure and Peter Davison's arrival
- Castrovalva - Commentary
by actors Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, and writer Christopher
H. Bidmead
- Castrovalva - Being
Doctor Who: Peter Davison discusses how he approaches this
iconic role
- Castrovalva - Directing
Castrovalva: Fiona Cumming talks about her work directing Peter
Davison's debut story
- Castrovalva - The
Crowded TARDIS: A look at the increase in the TARDIS crew
- Castrovalva - Swap Shop
& Blue Peter: Peter Davison interviews
- Castrovalva - Deleted
- Castrovalva - Theme
Music Video: A brand-new remix of Peter Howell's Doctor Who
theme music in Dolby 5.1 surround
- Music-only Options
- Trailers & Continuity
- Radio Times Billings (PDF
- BBC Enterprises literature (PDF
- Photo Galleries