Doctor Who: K-9 Tales DVD Review - -
Feature |
7.0 |
Video |
7.0 |
Audio |
7.0 |
Special Features |
8.0 |
Total |
7.0 |
Distributor: Roadshow
Classification: PG
Reviewer: M. Bush |
7.0 |
Doctor Who: K-9 Tales
This classic Doctor Who box set
includes the fourth Doctor serial and K9’s debut, The Invisible
Enemy, and A Girl’s Best Friend, the pilot episode of abandoned
spin-off series, K9 and Company, which is still being talked about
amongst Doctor Who fans despite having aired over 25 years ago.
Set in the ever-popular 51st Century, The Invisible Enemy sees Tom
Baker’s Doctor and companion Leela answering a distress call from a
shuttle crew on their way to the planet Titan. Arriving onboard, the
Doctor finds the shuttle’s inhabitants either dead, or under the
influence of a virus which both exerts psychic control over them,
and proffers a set of fabulous glittery eyelashes that Girls Aloud
would be proud of. Whilst certainly not the most memorable of
serials, The Invisible Enemy is not without its charms; despite
never quite picking an accent and sticking with it, Frederick Jaeger
shines as K9 inventor, Professor Marius. Tom Baker’s Doctor is as
funny as ever, particularly in the third part, where – brilliantly –
he and Leela are shrunk down to minus-size and, erm, injected into
his own brain.
Despite being his debut episode, K9’s appearance is fleeting; he
doesn’t even turn up until part two, and is pretty much reduced to a
wobbly-wheeled talking cannon throughout. There’s none of the – ahem
– sparkling wit of his later appearances, as he becomes the Doctor’s
companion, although it’s a decent enough introduction. Even though
being almost universally derided amongst fans, K9 and Company fairs
slightly better in terms of the finished product. Whilst not exactly
ground-breaking, this well-worn supernatural story of
regional-accented hill folk versus book-reading boffins – like a
teatime edit of The Wicker Man, complete with pagan rituals, goat
masks and pentagrams – is an interesting direction for a Doctor Who
spin-off; indeed, K9 is the only thing approaching science
fictional, and the titular company and a few brief mentions of the
Doctor the only thing linking this to the Whoniverse at large.
Again, however, the episode is less about K9 and more about the
company he keeps. Namely, Sarah Jane Smith, played – brilliantly –
by Elisabeth Sladen. Sladen’s Smith – decidedly frostier now than
when she travelled with the Doctor (as you would be, if you’d seen
all the wonders time and space had to offer, only to be dropped off
in Aberdeen, of all places) – carries the episode as it becomes
increasingly ridiculous, somewhat laden down by her companion,
Brendon. Shoe-horning in someone for the younger viewers to get
attached to in the form of Sarah Jane’s cousin – a boarding school
boy with a penchant for botany and getting captured by crazy pagans
at the drop of a hat – was never going to be a wise move,
particularly when the character in question is a slimy smart-arse
with a haircut at least two decades out of fashion.
But, whilst far from the best television has to offer, it’s a
reassuringly good-natured production, with everything back in its
good and proper place in time for a resolution of tea and crumpets
and K9 singing ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’. Yes, really.
Both DVDs come with the usual wealth of extras, including commentary
tracks – sadly lacking Tom Baker – and the obligatory handful of
celebratory documentaries; mostly, Terrance Dicks, John Leeson and
whoever was making tea in the office when the respective episodes
were written waxing lyrical on the tin dog’s virtues, explaining –
perhaps even justifying – his perceived popularity.
Though certainly popular with the younger set – and the vocal
minority of fans still championing animated spin-off, The K9
Adventures – it’s hard to see just how the tin dog merits his own
boxset. Whilst occasionally witty, if you like that sort of thing,
he is – essentially – an exposition machine, serving as a shortcut
for writers in much the same fashion as the Doctor has been using
his souped-up sonic screwdriver in the revamped series. The extras
will certainly satisfy the die-hard fans, but for the rest of us K9
might just as well be reserved to fond memories and the occasional
Foil-enhanced Packaging
Invisible Enemy - Commentary by Louise
Jameson (Leela), John Leeson (K-9), BOb
Baker (Writer) and Mat Irvine (Visual
Effects Designer)
Invisible Enemy - Dreams and Fantasy -
cast & crew recall the making of this
story and even take the original K-9 for
Invisible Enemy - Studio Sweepings - a
rare opportunity to go behind the scenes
on the recording of this story
Invisible Enemy - Visual Effect - Mat
Irvine & Ian Scoones talk about the
visual effects for The Invisible Enemy
Invisible Enemy - Blue Peter - K-9 meets
John Noakes and Shep
Invisible Enemy - Optional CGI Effects
Invisible Enemy - Trailers and
Continuities - BBC1 ephemera from 1977
Invisible Enemy - Easter Egg
Invisible Enemy - Radio Times Billings
Invisible Enemy - Photo Gallery
Invisible Enemy - Coming Soon Trailer
Invisible Enemy - Production Information
Invisible Enemy - Digitally remastered
picture and sound quality
K-9 and
Company - Commentary by Elisabeth Sladen
(Sarah Jane), John Leeson (K-9), Linda
Polan (Juno Baker) and Eric Saward
(Script Editor)
K-9 and
Company - The K-9 Files - cast and crew
look back at the making of K-9 and
Company plus K-9's subsequent life in
books and comic strips is examined
K-9 and
Company - K-9: A Dog's Tale - K-9
himself answers a selection of questions
about his life and career
K-9 and
Company - Pebble Mill at One - K-9's
appearance on the 1981 Christmas show
K-9 and
Company - Trails and Continuities - a
selection of off-air continuities
announcements for the various BBC
transmissions of this story
K-9 and
Company - The Adventures of K-9 (PDF
K-9 and
Company - The K-9 Annual 1983 (PDF
K-9 and
Company - Radio Times Billings (PDF
K-9 and
Company - Photo Gallery
K-9 and
Company - Production Information
K-9 and
Company - Coming Soon Trailer
K-9 and
Company - Digitally remastered picture
and sound quality