The calculating and charming Dexter (Michael C. Hall) returns in
Season 2 of this popular series about a police hero who happens to
be a serial killer. However there is a catch and Dexter only targets
those who have broken the law and Dexter is the true 21st
century anti-hero.
Unfortunately for Dexter in Season 2, Doakes is becoming more and
more suspicious of him and the killing has slowed as he attempts to
live a normal and “mundane” life.
Joining a bowling team that is aptly named “Bowl Till You Bleed”,
his team mates Maskua and Angel are totally unaware of his ritual
habits that makes the series so compelling which melds drama, black
comedy and crime.
opposed to the previous season, the characters are more fleshed out
(no pun intended) and the plots are more constructed, however at the
end of the day, Dexter Season 2 is a pure delight and is a breath of
fresh air in this stagnant day and age of crime drama.
It's Alive!
Waiting to Exhale
An Inconvenient Lie
The Dark Defender
Dex, Lies & Videotape
That Night, a Forest Grew
Morning Comes
Resistance Is Futile
There's Something About Harry
Left Turn Ahead
The British Invasion