This romantic comedy see Ryan Reynolds break away (not much) from
his usual heart-breaker roles as a young single successful father.
When Will's daughter asks him about how her met her mother and why
they are divorcing he agrees to tell her the story of the their
early relationship but changes all the names. We the audience see
the story through the girls eye's; This makes for an interesting
“romance-mystery” as we ponder which of Will's 3 girlfriends he
eventually marries.
What makes this film is the endearing father-daughter relationship;
This also severs to break tension as we cut between the bedtime
story and the present. This also works as a good hook into the next
plot development.
This is a light hearted, almost childlike look at relationships and
all complexity. While not exactly mind blowing, Defiantly, maybe is
a simple and engaging story.