Dead Set

Bloody hell… this is the best TV series of the year!
is a dream come true for those people that find reality TV shows a bore
or more particularly filled with egotistic and charismatically dead
personalities. If you want your revenge, than my friends, you have come
to the right place.
Written and
produced by Charlie Brooker, Dead Set centres on a Big Brother
production in the United Kingdom, however when Britain falls to a zombie
virus, the contestants for now are oblivious to what is happening in the real
world. This of course spells trouble with a capital T.
Think Big Brother meets the 2004 version of Dawn of the
Dead and that is what Dead Set is all about. Although it’s a horror
movie that is quite violent at times and the special effects are bloody
marvellous, there is also a healthy dose of comedy oozing out of its
red stained production walls. The characters are all well cast and some are quite
obnoxious like their real-world Big Brother counterparts that makes the
series that even more compelling.
Even though this is a British production, it’s ironic
that the Big Brother characters are a worldwide phenomena and with that
said, the archetypes must be universal as well. For instance, there is a
blonde bimbo, male hunk, nerd, obnoxious man & woman and even the token
gay character. Ugh… it’s so predictable that it makes you sick but of
course this is where Dead Set really shines. Match that with the sleazy
producer and a Greta Colleen clone who hosts the show and unfortunately
gets zombified early on in the piece, it will almost make you root for
the Zombies.
Unfortunately, I've already spoilt a tiny part of the
story but anymore and you'll wish I was made into a Zombie. The story
is... priceless!
The video quality is quite stunning, especially the
special effects that would put some Zombie movies to shame. Although the
piece is quite slick at the start as the movie progresses, it moves to
handheld high definition cameras which makes the entire experience that
even more nerve racking. The audio is Dolby Digital 5.1 surround and
really has a few wow moments in the series that will send shivers down
your spine.
The only
unfortunate aspect of Dead Set
Special Features is the lackluster special features which
a shame but it does give some interesting tidbits behind the creation
and some interesting interviews with the cast.
conclusion, once I started watching, I had to sit and watch the entire
series and this is what good TV is all about, captivating the viewer. So move over Romero
because there’s a new Sheriff in Zombie town and all I can say is that this
movie is bloody awesome!
Hopefully the rumors are true of a second series!
DVD Special Features
60 minutes of extra content including sneak peeks behind the scenes, a
tour of the set, special effects featurettes and interviews with cast
and crew |