Originally aired in
1999, the Cartoon Network's Courage the Cowardly Dog revolves around
a small dog who is scared of almost anything and everything. Joined
by Eustace and Muriel, Courage encounter a variety of strange
monsters and aliens that are eventually solved by Dutch courage,
humour that will leave you smiling and laughing from start to finish.
Featuring a variety
of strange episodes from chickens from space and if their eggs are
cooked, you'll turn into a crazed chicken or picking carrots from
the vegetable garden and being bitten by a weremole, you would think
that the writers are high on something. However this is what makes
Courage the Cowardly Dog so entertaining, it's the bizarre
circumstances, solutions and storylines that will draw you in very
early in the series.
The episodes are
also linked as we see our crazed alien space chickens return in
episode 12 who uses a plunger on Eustace's head to attach his head
(that's right, a head of a chicken) onto our beloved Eustace. The
series also stars a variety of stars such as Paul Schoeffler, Ringo
Starr and Tim Curry who lend their voices to this bizarre series.
The majority of the stories are written by John R. Dilworth and
Irvin S. Bauer in conjunction who cash in on the wackiness of the
Ren & Stimpy area to create something almost unique.
Unfortunately no
extras on this DVD but at 291 minutes, there's little to complain
about content on this DVD set. Definitely recommended to lovers of
absurd whacky cartoon series such as Ren & Stimpy. Check it out, you
might be pleasantly surprised.