Collectors Obsessions
ABC have finally collected the entire Collectors Obsession TV series
onto this impressive collection which showcases some of the best
episodes that is hosted by the charismatic Andy Muirhead. The team
of the Collectors have visited a variety of different people from
across the country, each with their fascinating collection that
ranges from impressive to downright ridiculous. However, one man's
junk is another man's treasure which is a strong theme of the
series. For example, some of the people showcases in this series
involve a collection for body parts which include navel fluff and
even pubic hair. Others collect religious objects to colour charts
and the like, proving that anything is collectable. Truly a unique
insight into his obsession that some of us take beyond.
BODY PARTS - Navel Fluff, Skull &
Bones, Teeth, Pubic Hair, Glass
Eyes, Tattoos
NUMBERS - Frogs, Scales, Dish Mops,
Dice, Food Glasses, Pegs, Hammers,
Toothpaste, Snowdomes
COLOURS - Blue Plastic, Fluoro Pink,
Green, Orange Paint, Colour Charts,
Objects, Light Bulbs, Ruined Pianos,
Airline Sick Bags, Wrestling Masks,
Tomato Tins, Polish Toilet Paper,
Tikis, Cork Screws, Train
Timetables, Junkyard Dogs,
Ventriloquists Dummies
LIVING IT - Madame Lash, Macabre
Collection, House of Obsessions