Clannad Part 2
If you've missed part 1 of this series,
than I strongly suggest
you read our review for Clannad Part 1
which will put this review into context. And with that said, part 2 of this
entertaining and emotional anime series collects episodes 13 to 24 that
revolves around the strange and powerful dynamics of high school. At
times, Clannad is almost like a social commentary on the world because
of the strong influence of high school and how our peers have on shaping
our lives. However don't forget that this story is still entertainment
and includes drama, romance and comedy.

The protagonists of Clannad is
Tomoya Okazaki, a teenager who has a horrible life at home. Even though
his life may be crumbling at homes, he is almost a father figure at
school as he attempts to solve their problems and creates his own
"family" or "clan" to strengthen their resolve. Although the initial
half of this collection is similar to part 1 of Clannad, the series
really kicks into high gear midseason as he finally accepts his fathers
destiny of alcoholism. Kotomi also grows considerably in this collection
as not just a character but a positive idea to those in the group.

It should also be noted that Clannad Part 2
is more risqué than the previous collection with a M15+ rating due to
the darker themes and sexual references. Don't worry, you won't see any
Hentai type scenes but just like the real-world, high schools have their
own dynamic "miniverse" within their boundaries that mimics the larger
world. The great thing about Clannad is that even though the themes,
relationships and stories are quite powerful, the characters are quite
relatable and before you know it, their emotions will be forcing yours.
Thankfully there is comedy littered throughout the series in order to
give your emotions a break.

The final episode of Clannad is an
interesting twist to the series and without spoiling it, episode 24 is
based on a different ending from the original novel. Consider it like a
Fringe "alternate reality" episode but for me, it was more like the
happy ending that never really happened. Clannad Part 2 is definitely
not anime dribble and proves that this format can be equally as powerful
as live action. It's an enjoyable ride from start to finish.

Video, Audio & Special Features
The transfer to DVD looks good, boasting an
aspect ratio of 16:9 with soft colours and some "cute" animation. The
animation style is very anime and clichéd but when matched with the
story, it actually creates something visually unique and more creators
should go back to these basics. Add in Dolby Digital 2.0 and it may not
be anything special but once again the soundtrack compliments the
stories majestically. I wish some more effort was put into the special
features here!

If you loved part one of Clannad, than this
is a must have addition to your collection but just be warned, you need
to have watched part one before you can piece together part two. It's
great that the resolutions of the previous stories are finally finished
such as Tomoya and his alcoholic father or the relationship between
Tomoya and Kotomi, it all comes together nicely. Bravo indeed! |