This delightful documentary revolves around two orphaned sisters Sal
(Makenzie Vega) and Rae (Abigail Breslin) who rescue a Great Dane
puppy from an oncoming truck, after the poor animal was dumped by
two criminals. For Sal, she has spent years preying for a puppy and
when this day occur, it seems like the heavens have finally answered
her prayer and she victoriously names the puppy Chestnut due to his
both the sisters are in a orphanage run by nuns, they believe that
they will take unkindly towards their puppy and attempt to hide him
in some truly hilarious ways. For Sal and Rae, there luck also
changes as a loving couple named Matt (Justin Louis) and Laura
(Christine Tucci) have decided to adopt them that causes Sal to hide
their puppy from her newly adopted parents. To compound the
situation, Matt is allergic to animals and the two girls do their
utmost best to hide Chestnut from their adoptive parents as he
eventually grows into a large dog.
Although clichéd at times, especially the predictable ending,
Chestnut is definitely a great family movie that can be watched by
everyone and features some great memorable moments such as the
cleaner stuck on a ceiling fan or Chestnut being smuggled out of the
building in a pony suit.
It's fun, it's camp and best of all Chestnut is the perfect family
Special Features:
Backstage Disney: Behind-the-Scenes