Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Series 2
I must admit that I had no idea what Big Fat Gypsy
Weddings was about but after watching series 2, I've become a fan of
those strange extroverted creatures known as Gypsies and Travellers.
Best of all, each episode is standalone so no knowledge of the previous
series or episode is needed as the viewer is taken behind the scenes of the
secret life of gypsies
and travellers.
Similar to the gypsies of Eastern
Europe, these modern-day incarnations in England and Ireland live on the
fringe of English society with their own rules and rites
of passage that is steeped in religion and bizarre tradition.

This collection contains seven episodes from series two
that include;
1 - Diamantes Are Forever
2 - I Fought the Law
- School of Hard Knocks
4 - Love Conquers All
5 - Reputation is
6 - Out of Site, Out of Mind
7 - We Are Family
Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Series 2 was definitely an eye opener for me and
coming in without any expectations, I was shocked that such as a society
exists in modern England.
My visions of gypsies were from Eastern
Europe, however the gypsies and travellers in England are a strange
hybrid of the gypsies of yesteryear merged with Modern Brits.
The first episode revolves around
Sammy Jo, a 16-year old gypsy girl who embarks on a Gypsy only beauty
pageant with the second story revolving around a group of four cousins
who attempt to outdo each other with their flamboyant outfits at their
holy communion.

The most disturbing aspect of the series is the
sexualisation of the children who wear scantily dressed clothing and
dance like professional strippers.
As the series progresses, we witness
other elements of gypsy life such as illegal horse and trap racing and
how the gypsies who live in caravans drive around Britain as they get
evicted from site to site where they setup camp.
The series also gives the viewer insight on what the
gypsies think of mixed marriages, court battles, and the prison system which
seems to be quite high with gypsies.
Needless to say, their culture is also quite sexist
with women forced to clean, cook and care for their children, while the
men work in both gypsy and mainstream society. It also appears that men
are forced to fight to solve their problems.

Final Thoughts?
From weddings that are more lavish and outrageous than
the Royal Family to children being indoctrinated into this strange
culture, Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Series 2 is like watching a train track
as you'll laugh, gasp and generally be entertained by this strange
culture that embraces the modern and the old in Merry England!