Best of the NBA Slam Dunk Contest
its inception in 1984 the NBA Slam Dunk Contest has cemented itself as a
firm fan favourite, and a staple of the hugely entertaining All-Star

contests have seen some of the greats like Michael Jordan, Dominique
Wilkins, Kobe Bryant and Clyde Drexler battling it out for the honour of
being crowned that year’s Dunk Champion. Other standouts from bygone
contests include Isaiah Rider’s spectacular between-the-legs jam, the
incredible 1986 victory of 5 foot 7 inch Spud Webb, Blake Griffin
leaping over a car during a dunk in 2011, and the wonderful
inventiveness of Nate Robinson, who had won his third Slam Dunk crown
the previous year.
hour-long expose features all the above dunks and many more. Focusing
on the tournament’s greatest duels, most imaginative contestants and the
evolution of creativity within the medium, the doco focusing on both
past greats and some of the contest’s forgotten gems, providing a
rounded and rollicking viewing experience for long-time fans and
newcomers alike. Bolstered by some great bonus featurettes which
highlight the Top Ten dunks in a number of categories, Best of the
Slam Dunk Contest is a fun-filled, frenetic and always action-packed
ode to life above the rim.
Bonus Features
Underrated Dunks
Men Dunks
off the Glass
Teamwork Dunks
Between the Legs Dunks