Marvel Trading Game
Based on the popular 'VS
System' and reminiscent of the previously released Yu-Gi-Oh trading card
game, the Marvel Trading Card game uses characters from the highly
popular Marvel comic universe to include greats such as Spider-Man, the
Hulk and the Avengers. It should also be noted that the game contains
all the notorious villains from this amazing Comic universe.

Based on the popular Trading Card
The best Marvel characters are all
available to collect
Single player mode where you can choose
to play as either a Marvel hero or villain
Cross platform support
Uses the established Upper Deck 'VS
The perfect gaming accompaniment to the
real trading cards, and is sure to be extremely popular with Marvel
Based on the popular Trading Card
The best Marvel characters are all
available to collect
Single player mode where you can choose
to play as either a Marvel hero or villain
Cross platform support
Uses the established Upper Deck 'VS
The perfect gaming accompaniment to the
real trading cards, and is sure to be extremely popular with Marvel
In the Marvel Trading
Card Game for DS, players basically build their deck from a selection of
character cards, equipment cards, location cards and plot twists. During
play, cards are chosen as resources that can be used either right away
or laid face down for later use.
Based on how many resource cards are in play, character cards are
recruited, provided that the recruitment costs are met. Characters that
are in play can be used to attack opposing characters with the
effectiveness of those attacks determined by their ratings.

During play, plot twists
and location cards can be used to help turn the tide of battle with new
cards entering the players’ hands each round. Needless to say, you
probably need to familiar with the VS system as the game is quite
complex, even for experienced gamers.
For those well versed in the Marvel Trading Card game, there are still
obstacles to be met. While there is an option to customize your deck in
between matches, the opportunity to purchase booster packs come so
infrequently that in the early parts of the game, you’re stuck with the
deck you start with, whereas the AI is able to change up decks to suit
the current plot point.
Booster packs are purchased with points obtained through completing
missions, or completing puzzles, however the available puzzles are tied
to the current chapter. You can replay the same puzzles over and over to
gain more points and subsequently buy more booster packs, however you
shouldn’t have to grind puzzles just to put together a competitive deck.
As you progress through the game, the makeup of your deck can be better
suited to match your opponent, however even with these tweaks, more
often than not, it seems that the AI can recruit characters far more
quickly than you can, which puts you in a hole right out of the gate.
Needless to say, quite a difficult game to master for those non card
playing gamers but if kids can do it, I'm sure more mature gamers will
be able to master it.

Graphically for a
game that really does have much graphics, it's quite detailed,
especially the artwork of the characters. The music and sound effects
are enough to help get you lost in the title, although seeing Marvel
characters on any console is always good to see.
In conclusion, the
Marvel Trading Card Game is recommend to those lovers of the VS system
or for those that enjoyed the Yu-Gi-Oh game. Definitely more complex
than a lot of the games on the market at the moment. The multiplayer
aspect is also entertaining and would make for great schoolyard combat! |