Baby Pals
Someone special, someone dear, someone
new to love is here! Bring hours of baby fun home in Baby Pals, a game
where you get to do all the fun things real parents do like feeding,
bathing, playing with and teaching your baby. If you're a really good
parent, your little angel will even love you back...kootchy kootchy koo!
[From the Developer]

We've seen all sorts of
sim games and "Baby Pals" from THQ is probably one of the most unusual
and strangely rewarding games to have graced the Nintendo DS in quite
some time. With that said, the game is aimed at both girls and women
(one would presume) who
thanks to some clever programming can look after their virtual babies in
Baby Pals. That's right, you can feed your baby, dress your baby, play
with your baby and perform a variety of other mother like aspects in Baby
Tickle, peek-a-boo,
and even patty cake with your baby
Customize your
baby's physical appearance, clothes and toys
Teach your baby to
crawl, walk and talk
Utilize the stylus
as a spoon to feed or soap to wash
Earn items like new
toys, cute clothes and accessories for your baby
Before you start, you
must adopt your baby (YAY) and of course organise the way your little
new born looks by tweaking a variety of their features. Once you have
created your virtual baby, you must start to look after your baby where
you can play a variety of real-world games with he or she.
My favourite aspect of
the title is using the stylus as a spoon while feeding the baby, it's
super cute... no... it's uber cute! These mini-games have you playing
with your baby, teaching your baby and just making sure they have all
their needs met. It's like the Sims but for babies... and a lot more
simplistic. As you progress through the game, you are awarded various
items that can then be given to your baby because as we all know, babies
love new things. There are also some consequences if you do not look
after your baby but how could you, they are once again... yes... uber
Graphically, Baby Pals
is quite impressive on the Nintendo DS, even though some of the babies
are a little creepy looking from their realistic movements, however the
majority of babies are what you would aspect to see in real life. The
animation of the babies are also quite realistic and the move with this almost
otherworldly grace and you look after these little virtual creatures.

To compliment the
graphics, what other sorts of sound effects would you expect to hear
than little babies crying, laughing and in general acting like real-life
babies. Needless to say, you need quite a lot of patience to play Baby
In conclusion, Baby Pals is an interesting premise that will appeal to a
wide variety of female gamers and maybe a few males who have their
partners pushing them for babies. The title is gender biased, however
for those gamers who wish to experience the joys and downs of caring for little babies,
than this is the game for you.
graphics, realistic sound effects and interesting mini-games, Baby Pals
may be the sleeper hit of 2008 for the female gamer!