
Published on March 15th, 2018 | by Admin

Draw with Jazza Interview (VidCon Australia 2018)

We catch-up with video content creator Draw with Jazza!

What’s the first thing that you drew (or can remember)?

I have vivid memories of finger painting stick figures in an epic battle scene when I was in kindergarten!  It probably didn’t even look like that, but I clearly remember the upright paper canvas and wearing a plastic art smock, and feeling like everyone around me wasn’t understanding HOW COOL this activity was!  They were all mildly interested in the activity, but eager to get outside and go play in the playground, meanwhile I was thinking “Look!  You can make stuff on this paper, like these stick dudes, and they’re fighting!  There’s jets and tanks and everything guys!  You can’t find THAT out on the see-saw!” – This activity extended through to primary school when I had “stick figure wars” with a friend, and we took it in turns adding a new militaristic warrior or vehicle one at a time, until the page was full and we had to decide who would win.

2. How did you become a content creator?

I think I was always a content creator, both with art, but also in wanting to entertain people. I grew up making magic shows and puppet shows for my family, recording my own radio shows over the top of “The Wiggles” tapes lying around (all the PRO 90’s kids knew that if you put sticky tape on the indentations on the back you could turn ANY tape into your own tape…not sure my parents appreciated this trick as much as they should have), and by the time I was in high school I used any tech I could get my hands on to make art and content.  I made my own animations on the computer (and in flipbooks), I filmed my own sketch comedy shows, attempted stop-motion animation, and even made behind-the-scenes videos of my art and animation projects.  I felt very much like a professional at the time (even though I was 13 and using pretty cruddy equipment), and I’m lucky enough to feel as excited about every new project and idea I get to create with my career now!

3. Could you teach me to draw like you?

I could try, but a better way of going about it would be, for me to teach you to draw like your-best-YOU.  We always want to emulate others more experienced around us but there’s only so far imitation can get us.  I think embracing our creative differences and running with them is the best path to progress, and knowing that there’s no “better” as much as there is “different” – yeah Leonardo Da Vinci was an incredible artist, but he might be outclassed when it comes to simple picture-storybook styles, or abstract works.

Did I sound like I just dodged your question?…sorry – ehm, I mean, yeah sure, I could teach you a thing or two!

4. What’s your favourite drawing ever?

Of my own, or someone elses?  Do paintings count?  Am I overthinking this?  Probably.  Of my own I’d say the mural behind me in my videos, it’s full of everything that’s inspired me since I was a child and took me a month to make, and has been seen by hundreds of millions of people at this point, which is kind of insane and I’m really proud of that.  Of someone elses work, I’m going to cheat and pick neither a drawing or painting, but an animated video called “To This Day” by Shane Koyczan – it’s an animated video set to a spoken word poem about bullying, which makes me emotional every time I see it.  Without fail, it’s the most power any single work of art has ever had over me, and reminds me of how powerful words and images can be.

5. Favourite artist in the world?

Stanley Lau – he’s a comic/character artist whose paintings are so stunning and impossibly beautiful in lighting and composition, I can hardly believe he’s human.

6. If you could live in any time or moment in the world, what would it be and why?

Next week.  I feel like I’m always yearning to get to next week, haha – either there’s a project I’ve been hanging out to do for a while that I can’t wait to get to, or a place I’m going.  I feel like in my head I’m always living about 5-10 days ahead of now, which isn’t always constructive, but it’s very motivating!

7. How did you become involved in VidCon?

I’ve watched the YouTube community develop over many years, and remember when the first VidCon’s in USA were happening and envying how exciting it all was.  The moment I heard it was coming to Australia (Melbourne, my home city no less), I bombarded their contact pages with requests to be involved in any capacity.  There is, in my opinion, no more electric and sincere a community as I’ve experienced from YouTube, everyone feels so connected and open.

8. What are you most looking forward to at VidCon Australia?

I’d say everything, but I don’t think that answers your question – so I’m gonna pick, being on panels.  It’s a good mix of both interacting with my peers, other YouTubers who really understand the strange, wonderful and unpredictable lifestyle of creating online content, and connecting with my audience by answering questions and interacting all together – really fun stuff!

9. Lastly, what does 2018 hold for you?

TWO VidCons baby! (I’m going to the Anaheim VidCon this year too!) I also have a number of BIG secret projects that I’m developing which I can’t talk about, but am very excited about.  As for on my channel, I look forward to stepping-up my content even further, even higher quality videos, ambitious art projects, and I also plan on giving my channel a facelift by making a NEW mural behind me and remodeling my studio!  You can never stand still in my opinion, as soon as things feel comfortable or there’s success being experienced, I take that as a cue to challenge or upgrade something in a big way, so I’m always bringing something new to the table!

To buy tickets for VidCon Australia or to find out more, please visit

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