Doomsday Clock #8 Review
Summary: Doomsday Clock #8 takes a turn for the worse for the DCU!
Superman vs Russia!
The issue opens with Ozymandias (aka Adrian Veidt) boldly stating that this one will do as he finds something in a book that he is reading. Opposed to previous issues which focused more on the Watchmen universe, Doomsday Clock #8 is a Superman centric story and begins with Lois informing Clark that someone has rummaged through her locked desk at the Daily Planet. To make matters worse, the chief of the Daily Planet is demanding Lois for the story about why 97% of metahumans (e.g. superheroes) are American born and bred and whether there is a government conspiracy.
Lois and Clark also learn that Russia has new metahuman laws which forces each new baby to be born to be tested for the metagene which gives heroes super powers. Needless to say, this does not bode well for Russia as its people begin protesting and to compound the situation, Firestorm has illegally entered this country as he battles a handful of heroes from this motherland. Unfortunately for Firestorm, he cannot hear the voice of Professor Stein, his voice of reason and as a result turns a group of civilians into glass that creates an international crisis.
Before heading to Russian, Superman stops at the country of Kahndaq and has an audience with its leader Black Adam who seeks answers as to why Firestorm has gone rogue, believing a rumour that our nuclear hero sought solace in this country which this leader denies. Back in Metropolis, Lois Lane accesses the mysterious USB drive that was sent to her and on it is a film from 1941 that shows none other than the legendary Justice Society of America who don’t (yet should) exist in the post New-52 and Rebirth timeline.
Back in Russia, Superman does find Firestorm in what appears to be the doomed city of Chernobyl and this nuclear hero has gone psychotic as he questions himself and what happened to his powers. With a pep talk from Superman, Firestorm does manage to change a boy he turned into glass back to normal again but the mystery here is… Firestorm cannot affect living matter. So with a cure for these people now real, Superman meets the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin and Russia’s heroes offering them a solution for their predicament.
But when Firestorm appears, this creates a catalyst for a standoff between Superman, Firestorm and the heroes of Russia, including their military. As the heroes and bullets fly, this creates casualties as some of the people turned into glass to shatter which forces Firestorm to have a meltdown as he erupts in blue energy with Batman warning Superman that this is not Firestorm but appears to be Doctor Manhattan. The issue ends with Ozymandias smirking as a war has commenced as this puppeteer continues his manipulation on the DCU.
Final Thoughts?
Wow… it’s finally hit the fan in Doomsday Clock and I’m eager to see how it all unfolds and more importantly how the JSA fits into the picture. Well written and illustrated, this gets my comic of the week.