Dishonored 2 Cosplay by Isilmarille as Emily Kaldwin (Cry for Help)
Check out this amazing Dishonored 2 cosplay by Isilmarille as Emily Kaldwin (Cry for Help). Isilmarille has really perfected the look of Emily Kaldwin and is one of the best Dishonored 2 cosplays of 2016. Isilmarille has also cosplayed other character like Alice from Alice Madness Returns and Merrill from Dragon Age. Her social media sites are and
Emily Kaldwin was born on 2nd Day of the Month of Rain in 1827 and is the rightful heir to the throne of the Isles and Empress Jessamine Kaldwin’s only child. On 18th Day, Month of Earth, 1837, Emily was kidnapped following her mother’s murder by the assassin Daud, for which Royal Protector Corvo Attano was framed. The Loyalist Conspiracy sought to recover Emily and reinstate the royal line by seeing her crowned Empress.
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Photos by kmitenkova