Destiny Weekly Update
In this week’s update, Bungie announces Destiny Expansion II: The House of Wolves will be released sometime in the second quarter of this year.
Sandbox Designer Jon Weisnewski (a.k.a weapons specialist at Bungie) is also excited to share some thoughts on his process when it comes to updating your arsenal of weapons.
Jon also gives insight into how Bungie are keeping a promise made prior to launch, that Destiny will continue to be a place of diverse fighting styles, where everyone would have a chance to be powerful in different ways.
Last week, Bungie issued a new challenge: Share with us your best movies to become a filmmaking legend, and earn an emblem to call out your name in the game. The winning entry pays homage to a must-see TV show from a Golden Age. Be sure to check it out.
To read more about the news, check out the full announcement by heading over to