

Published on February 7th, 2020 | by Adrian Gunning

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Crimson Days Trailer

Since we began to explore the colonies, no Guardian has triumphed alone.

Once again, the time has come to recognize the bond that Guardians share on the battlefield. Meet with Lord Shaxx in the Tower and feel the fire of camaraderie that only Crimson Days can stoke. Take up arms, bite off more than you can chew, and stand together as one.

Crimson Days is available from February 12th through the 18th (AEDT).

About the Author


Adrian lives in Melbourne Australia and has a huge passion for gaming, technology and pop culture. He recently finished his a Bachelor of Journalism and is currently focusing on games journalism. When not writing and playing video games, Adrian can be found in Comics 'R' Us debating the pros of the DC Universe and cons of the Marvel Universe.

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