Announced last month, Deadpool’s 30th anniversary will be celebrated all year long with an incredible series of variant covers all drawn by Deadpool co-creator and legendary artist Rob Liefeld. Liefeld will bring Deadpool to life on 30 different covers that will be released on some of your favorite ongoing series throughout 2021, and today, Marvel Comics is proud to present the next set of covers in this amazing collection. Getting the star treatment he deserves, the Merc with the Mouth will be teaming up with heroes from all across the Marvel Universe such as Captain America, Iron Man, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and more.
“When the opportunity to illustrate 30 variant covers commemorating Deadpool’s 30th anniversary came up, I literally jumped at the chance! I went over a quick checklist with the Marvel brass and I think we’ve picked a great array of Marvel’s biggest and brightest stars to pair with the Mighty Merc on over 30 unique covers!” Liefeld said. “It’s giving me a chance to draw Deadpool with Marvel stars I’ve never drawn before, like Miles Morales and Silver Surfer! This is going to be grand, I hope the fans enjoy this special event. It’s a blast putting it all together!”
Three decades ago, Deadpool first appeared in the legendary NEW MUTANTS #98 by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza, and the comic book world has never been the same! Visit for a full roundup of all the revealed LIEFELD DEADPOOL 30TH VARIANT COVERS and check back often as more are continually added. And be sure to celebrate Deadpool’s big year with these extraordinary covers when they begin debuting in March!