Deadpool #9 Review (2022)
Summary: Good enough for a Deadpool story but would be better if you have read the rest of this storyline.
Nice ending
Deadpool has seemingly been defeated by the Horned Emperor and his giant symbiote dog locked away, but he still has a trick or two up his sleeve.
Maybe I would have enjoyed this more if I had read the rest of the series that this is the final part of this storyline of but it still manages to wrap things up quite nicely.
It was great to see Alyssa Wong doing a story that is not Star Wars related as I mostly know her from her work with the Doctor Aphra character.
Deadpool is in a lot of different stories and there is at least one other current Deadpool comic so this is one of them I suppose? If you enjoy the character and have already been reading this storyline I would recommend it.
Comic details:
Writer: Alyssa Wong
Penciler: Luigi Zagaria
Cover Artist: Martin Coccolo
Publisher: Marvel
Published: July 26, 2023